Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rectangular Cake Plateau

As the Wagon: At the bottom there is room

U combi na , collective, a Cousten are places where we spent six years of our lives. Approx. Six years of our lives fighting with the collector because we want to charge half-fare (law student), six years for us to be asleep not to seat, so we are in "seat", six years reggaeton hear more flow (reggaeton if googling), six years crowded with people who do not know, six years Pitear because the car is left at the lights while you do later, six years that we disclose to the "Cobra" because we apachurarnos the back, six years of shoveling that work best at peak times, six years within walking clubs with neon lights, (especially combis).

now travel on public transport vehicles do torture. Extract an interview with a Sunday magazine did to Michael Sidia , he is an engineer from the Institute of Traffic in Lima. The expert argues that "there are as many interchanges." Poses alternative solutions. One is the traffic light . In the capital there are more than 200 intersections that do not have this regulatory tool. One reason may be: That a traffic light can not be opened, but a stilted exchange vehicle itself and is also likely to increase the popularity of Alcaldísimo Lossio Luis Castañeda (sun sun sun, I am a sunflower). Popularity certainly is great, despite the complaints of carriers for both hollow and therefore diversion.

The police are respected

Speaking of cut routes and detours disorganization vehicle, we can talk of traffic police. Shocked to see that left and right, these bad members of the police force, extort unsuspecting drivers. Give the option of " bribe" not to impose their ballots or not bring their vehicles into the tank.

"The police is respected", a plan launched in 2003, if memory serves me, when the interior portfolio was chaired by journalist and columnist political , Fernando Rospigliosi . The main objective of this campaign was to ensure that the police are respected and have the confidence of the citizenry. Do you think that a custodian of the order will earn the respect of people extortion? This is a situation that is repeated for years and years ago. Now, how the citizen going to denounce these evil acts if they are within the " cochinadita ?, of course with some exceptions. The truth is that this stuff was not achieved or accomplished anything.

I am of the idea that the police are monitoring the maximum. In some parts of the capital, are accompanied by official or higher, but this is not fix. I am an eyewitness to the same charge allow illegal activities. One solution might be observed quietly, though it sounds weird and we are a country who should monitor watch. To this must be added stringent ethical discussions.

What could be done along with this, fearing that even to be " umpire " stand hand in these abuses of authority by police. This make people believe that this is a friend who I can trust and do not say "they do not move without no money" as heard from an angry lady in the center of Lima after a thug snatched portfolio and received the resignation of a police officer to see that the scoundrel was lost in a crowd of people.

Things are doing the Creole, the hut , no organization whatsoever. As Miguel said Sidia , "there are ways to make detours. You have to look very good to choose the most suitable. The deviations do not involve tying a plywood to a post "and it is unfortunate that this disorder is add the bad cops. These overshadow the institution, because there are good cops, honest, know many of them. These things happen only in Peru and that the government has a lot to work.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lunges Upper Thigh Pain

When litter is priced

B and Otello glass or plastic, paper and metal (any kind) are some of the materials can be recycled and many unknown. In the following report, learn how you can take each of the mentioned solid. Besides working on the question of "waste" that perform only two municipalities throughout Lima, finding in it a means to provide jobs and preserve the environment.

U n Kilos few more and I take for my lunch, "he says as he pushes his tricycle Aurelio Lopez, a collector of scrap plastics and San Martín de Porres. He has devoted over 15 years in this business to survive.

Aurelio has to raise amounts actually great to get something "happens piola" because by the kilo cartons give S /. 0.20 cents, equal to the iron. S /. 0.50 per glass and S /. 1.20 per plastic. Things improve when filling your aluminum tricycle with old glass cabinets that are dumped in a landfill or a ditch, receiving S /. 4.50 per kilo, or better yet if you find a rusty old engine where you can get copper. If you come to collect a kilo S /. 21 soles fill their pockets and shut up your stomach. Each day ends in order to deposit recyclable materials Avenida Carlos Izaguirre and 20 soles in my pocket. Of course, if all goes well.

Profitable business

"Products that are commonly used plastics, which can be recycled, so it is essential that a separate collection, then the cleaner arrives at the separation plant, the better you can recycle. For its part, the glass - one of the most popular materials to make packaging, it is also easy to recycle. Experts say that to melt the glass into shape again, keeps all its properties thus saving 93% of materials and energy by 23% compared to manufacture from new raw materials, "reads on the blog "Trash: Is it as bad as it?, highlighting the importance recycling has. According

Aurelio says the products that they (the "collectors") sold the deposits are resold to companies focused on processing these inputs and turn them into useful products, even the "twice the price."

The label on the plastic bottles and soft drinks is, by its English acronym PET registration, which is short for polyethylene terephthalate, the material that is made from plastic bottles, next to it is the symbol recycling world. These bottles are sold to manufacturers of polyester. In these factories, plastic makes mincemeat to make it process easier to thread.

The polar fabric that helps us to combat the severe winters lately is the result of this process. From there, he made divers, jackets, blankets, pet clothing, jackets, scarves. Countless items can be made with this fabric. It is even recommended the use of fleece clothing for patients with arthritis and rheumatism. Also people who suffer from allergies.

cartons and waste papers are processed and suspended in water and salt machines. After additives are placed to set the color to be the new role. Are passed through metal rollers and leaves and will end when they enter the drying process on plates which evaporate the water remaining in the statement. After this process, you are given the same use they had. In this case, it is the saying "paper and paper you'll become."

In the same way, exploit the resources of metal. Melt and produce building materials.

A 1997 report by the National Statistics Institute (INEI) indicates that only in Lima, was generated one million 267 thousand 679 tonnes of waste per month. All of this amount is not treated, so far, and goes to landfills, is exposed to air or is burned. This becomes, with pollution generated by the vehicle fleet, the type of infection the environment is more dangerous than Lima, according to opinions of scientists and scholars in the field.

At that time, Lima was the population was seven million 060 thousand 599 people. Now in 2008, which surpassed the eight million inhabitants, this number has increased considerably and the authorities, but two, no plans or strategies designed to give adequate treatment to the "Junk."

Trash serves

The Municipality of Santiago de Surco, is the only advantage of these resources. The project serves in the trash groove "was created in 2000. It began with the awareness of neighbors, creating in them awareness on environmental conservation. The post was to educate people to separate waste properly useful. The city hands out orange bags and pick up specialized units are in charge of the treatment plant.

The waste processing plant in the district, gives approximately a gain of more than 100 thousand dollars a year and generates more than 30 jobs. "With this initiative, they managed to decrease the volume and negative impact of waste, while creating the habit of separation and a new awareness about the problem caused by poor waste disposal, also be located on the blog.

Another district that also processes the waste it generates, Villa el Salvador is undoubtedly one of the most vibrant sectors of the capital. There, he developed since 2004 a recycling program in which more than 700 thousand families who separate their waste.

Villa El Salvador is the second district after the Groove, which has environmental practices of selective collection of solid waste, showing that even though a percentage of its population lives in extreme poverty, is committed to caring for their environment .

In these times, where the prevailing environmental pollution and global warming threatens to devastate the world, recycling is increasingly so strong as a good option for conservation and environmental preservation. Also grants generous profits that should not be missed.