Monday, February 16, 2009

What To Write In A Wedding Card To My Son

The triumph of the "King Gorilla" in Venezuela

Finally Chavez may run as many times as you want as president of Venezuela. an election campaign in strongly speaking Chavez state apparatus, the Yes victory with 54% of the vote against 45% opposition, although the latter claims to have achieved a moral victory for having passed the barrier of 5 million votes, making a mea culpa for his mistakes.

is interesting to add in this post, which the English Royal Academy has several meanings for the word Gorilla, one of them is: "Police and military acting in violation of human rights " [.. ] " individual, usually military, which seized power by force. "and this meaning is used enVenezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Cuba.EL degree in Education and Doctor of Philosophy in his blog Gregorio Luri , has this According to Chávez: "A gorilla fatuous, haughty, ignorant, but that serves as measurement scale, yes, the political horizon of each: the nineteenth century or the century. The degree of gestures of a politician is inversely proportional of its ability to reason. Chavez is doomed to gesture more and more. Danger. These people pollute. "

Thus, in Venezuela there is a gorilla, which has openly violated the right to freedom of expression, making the police apparatus into instruments of repression, or restricting the issuance of television as a gorilla RCTV.A for 10 years, has not been able to achieve concrete progress in overcoming poverty, despite the enormous resources that have received concepts of nationalized oil, and where levels of corruption in all areas of the state apparatus has reached unsuspected trim: First we as an example the strong revenue that Chavez received for his presidential campaign and during, a English bank, BBVA, Former President of the Bank Emilio Ibarra, said he made two deposits, one of 512,000 million dollars in 1998 for a emporesa Concertina called Nv, founded by Luis Miquilena, Chavez's campaign manager, and another $ 1 million, uan \u200b\u200btime and elected Chavez to support the campaigns of Chavez supporters for the Constituent Assembly, as in Venezuela Chavez was dissolved by Congress shortly after taking office, and his replacement, this Constituent Assembly is formed only by supporters of Chávez.Otro what point are the military arms spending allocated to Russia, which exceeded 14 billion dollars, and economic incentives to governments related to their political ideology, like the millions provided to Evo Morales and Mrs. K on aspects Argentina.Otros have constituted this corruption in public procurement contracts without following the established procurement rules (Carabobo Governor Luis Costa Carlez, for example, admitted 800 contracts awarded without competitive bidding), the millions of lost dólarfes government social plans (Plan Bolivar 2000), the acquisition of a luxurious presidential jet, the corruption scandal in the complex agroindustrial Ezequiel Zamora, Barinas, Chavez's birth place, lost millions as the signed agreements with Cuba, in which Venezuela agrees to supply oil to Cuba, the characteristics of financing, which are practically a subsidy to Cuba: financing funding to 15 years, a 2% interest, 25% of the volume, along with the usual delays of Cuba, have meant that some 1300 million are in morentre otrso scandals that have characterized the Government of Chuck .

Friday, February 13, 2009

Where To Get Thin Plastic Braclets

"The Dream for a Day" Michelle Bachelet

And finally Gordis is got away with it. Taking advantage of the "official visit" (we pay all Chileans) to Cuba in connection with the book fair in Havana, was given time to take a picture with his "idol" Fidel Castro, so endorsing This symbolic gesture to the Cuban dictatorship for over 50 years has maintained a village in the economic backwardness, educational, social and technological.
This is the president of "Democratic" next to a tyrant who was not openly in their attempts to extend a revolution with rivers of blood for Latin America and Africa.
Within the 90-minute visit he had with the tyrant, it is said that this would manifest concern over the "maritime problem of Bolivia", making clear a clear preference for the metamorphosed auquénido Evo Morales, among other things, expressing forgiveness ..... Bachelet Cagastro Castro, was in very good health (for Although the Cubans), and very interested in Latin American issues (To see where you can get the scoop behind the scenes).

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rhino 5 Merchant Ratchet

The Teillier Gold sentences like ... (for Bronze)

Phrase 1: "In Cuba there are no missing or torture detainees''

Phrase 2:" I have not seen a Cuban bite his tongue to criticize the regime "

These are two of the statements that the President Pc of Chile when he first visited to "Fantasy Island" socialist, as part of the presidential entourage Gordis.

Indeed, it may not disappeared, but if there are prisoners dead, dead who tried to escape an island prison, dead who died in wars in foreign countries, and held alive by thinking differently, and unlike toady regime singer Silvio Rodriguez do not need more culture, but a true freedom.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Easy Valentines Snacks

Things Bachelet will not see in "The Island of Fantasy "

The list of things you will not see our "beloved" president in Cuba:

-crowded jails of political prisoners
-lynchings and harassment of dissidents public street by agents and informers of the Castro regime.
-barren fields filled with weeds, which are neither the most pale reflection of what once was the sugar power capacity that was otherwise sent to destroy 50% of the comatose old tyrant, by a mere tantrum he had with the French in 1994.Hoy which was the star culture of Cuba Cane Sugar is used as feedstock for biofuel produccción, and countries that were major producers such as Brazil, now have huge tracts of land devoted to sugarcane.
-Food shortages in the stores "the people", unlike the stores and supermarkets for tourists and members of the dictatorship (Cuba imports 80% of their food EE.UU.Lo the embargo is just a resource for the perpetuation in power).
-The shortage of medicines in pharmacies "the people", unlike
pharmacies for tourists and members of the Cuban nomenclature.
-La unhealthy and deteriorating hospitals "for the people."
-The terrible public school infrastructure in Cuba: that power is supposed to be educational, today occupies only an eighth place behind countries like Mexico, Chile and others Includes current.

anyone tell me if I needed another more thing on this list?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fast Heartbeat With Hydrocodone

.... And we continue with the Tongo of false Disappeared

After the government acknowledged that the case of Pedro Gonzalo Marquez
was a person who died in 1982 in a train accident, and not consigned to the Rettig Report, which recorded its disappearance attributed to State agents (in this case by police of Lautaro, who would have custody) for his sympathies with the Popular Unity
the December 15, 1977, adds the case of Gustavo Perez Edmundo Soto, who had died during a fight on 18 August 1973 in Talcahuano, not as victims of human rights violations during the government militar.En this case was entered in the report of the National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation Commission, that the deceased was a Communist leader and population, who was arrested on 13 September of that year and disappeared three days after "victim of agents State ", at 50 years of age.

However, the death certificate states that Soto Peredo ceased to exist on the above date designated product of a penetrating injury that affected him during a fight in the city of the Eighth Region., according to information released by Channel 13.
The Government defends, saying that the "errors" were due to "information hiding": But how is it that there are so many mistakes, even the dates of death? , Will they still appear new cases of false "disappeared" or detainees or prisoners "appeared"?

Ideas For 2nd Birthday, Blog

The Personality of the chief concertacionista

To get to the bottom of the nature of the chief concertacionista enough listen to the "spokesman" Francisco Vidal, the mere fact of listening to his words arrogant, incendiary and often poisonous claims, is enough to notice the mood of the cluster leader. This can be defined briefly as a medical condition: Obesity due to excessive power and misunderstanding of what democracy is.

have been so many years of government, disasters, errors and systematic reproached the champions of democracy, they are fighters and redeemers of all evil pasado.Esos morbidly obese, do not think that any civic attitude and is worthy of "democratic "has in its very conception a crucial point, fair play. This attitude is so basic, has never existed in many ombudsmen-government, it is clear that there are exceptions. But we can highlight some of the chief characteristics concertacionista.

1 .- Ambitious, rotate positions and make their living from pimp to Treasury (eg Yasna Provoste, Francisco Vidal, Sergio Bitar ... uf ....) for clarification of the Resentful Eternal (pride themselves on being morally superior, because they "fought for democracy")

2 .- Relics, gerontologist at age Jubilee. (Eg, Patricio Aylwin)

3 .- It has the administrative variation. That is not resentful, but lives in the blue envelopes, commissions, allowances, vases lost, broken railway companies ....

4 .- Historically Short time. For them it exists only to Chile before and after 03/11/1990 11/09/1973. How would a historian of the Annals relate to short-term processes.

5 .- Fools. As will report to the Inter-dd.hh because it violated their civil rights, after being suspended his political rights, not knowing where they were to stop billions of pesos. In the early 90's disappeared millions of dollars from the state copper company and millions of dollars for weeding in an oil refinery ever made.

6 .- Fresh slit, and who can not lose, fail to recognize their mistakes and when all the points as directly responsible for policy experiments (eg Transantiago). They hide their heads and take superb misunderstood as misguided actions of a statesman. A true statesman, is a figure who transcends his time. And I only know a handful. And Lagos is not.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Best Cpu Motherboard Combo 2010

The Christian Democrats are desperate ... now

The DC is in a full decadencia.Debido to the decrease in the number of mayors, which caused their newborn bunting PRI led by ZALDIVAR, now choose to sell his soul to the Left Party Communist (Frei's insurance spinning in his grave, knowing that his party is not the slightest expression of the former National Falange, and its founding principles are history for its members).
As stated, this agreement is a slap in flooded "by the DC brand new presidential candidate Eduardo Frei Ruiz Tagle, of whom a large proportion of Chileans, while keeping the memory, the corruption scandals that have occurred during his administration.