Monday, February 16, 2009

What To Write In A Wedding Card To My Son

The triumph of the "King Gorilla" in Venezuela

Finally Chavez may run as many times as you want as president of Venezuela. an election campaign in strongly speaking Chavez state apparatus, the Yes victory with 54% of the vote against 45% opposition, although the latter claims to have achieved a moral victory for having passed the barrier of 5 million votes, making a mea culpa for his mistakes.

is interesting to add in this post, which the English Royal Academy has several meanings for the word Gorilla, one of them is: "Police and military acting in violation of human rights " [.. ] " individual, usually military, which seized power by force. "and this meaning is used enVenezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Cuba.EL degree in Education and Doctor of Philosophy in his blog Gregorio Luri , has this According to Chávez: "A gorilla fatuous, haughty, ignorant, but that serves as measurement scale, yes, the political horizon of each: the nineteenth century or the century. The degree of gestures of a politician is inversely proportional of its ability to reason. Chavez is doomed to gesture more and more. Danger. These people pollute. "

Thus, in Venezuela there is a gorilla, which has openly violated the right to freedom of expression, making the police apparatus into instruments of repression, or restricting the issuance of television as a gorilla RCTV.A for 10 years, has not been able to achieve concrete progress in overcoming poverty, despite the enormous resources that have received concepts of nationalized oil, and where levels of corruption in all areas of the state apparatus has reached unsuspected trim: First we as an example the strong revenue that Chavez received for his presidential campaign and during, a English bank, BBVA, Former President of the Bank Emilio Ibarra, said he made two deposits, one of 512,000 million dollars in 1998 for a emporesa Concertina called Nv, founded by Luis Miquilena, Chavez's campaign manager, and another $ 1 million, uan \u200b\u200btime and elected Chavez to support the campaigns of Chavez supporters for the Constituent Assembly, as in Venezuela Chavez was dissolved by Congress shortly after taking office, and his replacement, this Constituent Assembly is formed only by supporters of Chávez.Otro what point are the military arms spending allocated to Russia, which exceeded 14 billion dollars, and economic incentives to governments related to their political ideology, like the millions provided to Evo Morales and Mrs. K on aspects Argentina.Otros have constituted this corruption in public procurement contracts without following the established procurement rules (Carabobo Governor Luis Costa Carlez, for example, admitted 800 contracts awarded without competitive bidding), the millions of lost dólarfes government social plans (Plan Bolivar 2000), the acquisition of a luxurious presidential jet, the corruption scandal in the complex agroindustrial Ezequiel Zamora, Barinas, Chavez's birth place, lost millions as the signed agreements with Cuba, in which Venezuela agrees to supply oil to Cuba, the characteristics of financing, which are practically a subsidy to Cuba: financing funding to 15 years, a 2% interest, 25% of the volume, along with the usual delays of Cuba, have meant that some 1300 million are in morentre otrso scandals that have characterized the Government of Chuck .


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