Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis

this damned country was screened on Thursday, June 11 in theaters VERDI, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bas part of the second festival CINECUANON . Many films

Ecuadorian part of this exhibition, including a complete retrospective of the work of Sebastian Cordero , including rats, mice and robbers , Chronicles, and his documentary Viteri, a self .

fictions also projects These are not penalties of Anahi Hoeneisen and Daniel Andrade , When I touch myself of Victor Arregui, and How Far of Tania Hermida (which in those days earned an award in Austria:
In documentary, Why die cast brown of Tito Molina, Baltazar Ushka, frozen time of José Antonio and Igor Guaysamín , Alfaro Vive Carajo, sleep chaos of Isabel Davalos, blow by blow of Galo Betancourt , Goerge Febres, of Orlando Ivo Huahua, among others.


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