Thursday, July 16, 2009

2nd Birthday Invitation Poems

De Mauro

About mutilation of the title "The damn country "on public TV Ecuadorian César Ricaurte a note appeared in the newspaper today of the July 8, 2009.

tripping tripping in

By César Ricaurte

TV critic is not the first time Ecuador to TV and independent film Ecuador have trouble. A few months ago and there was a controversy over emissions from some movies without proper permission of the authors, mutilation and even complaints about claims by the courts in the credits.

So unfortunately This happened over a week ago with the documentary This damn country of Juan Martín Cueva is the absurdity of a long penultimate succession of them. For those who still do not know, Ecuador TV decided to issue the work under its title censored to reduce it to this country. What's going on in Ecuador TV? Why can not start as a true public television project? At most are content with a "we are less bad than the other channels" and "we have programming for children." Which inevitably know very little. Let's review more, this Sunday, RTU relaying live images of the attempted return of Manuel Zelaya in Tegucigalpa, provided by Telesur and CNN in English. Ecuador What happened to TV? Issued as an entertainment program. The problem, as always, is not on the sheets. The thing is born without a plan Ecuador TV. He was born without a functioning status that would guarantee freedom of management, legal clarity, independent editorial line this year, things have deteriorated rather than improved. Instead of meeting the criterion of respect for a work and its author was serving a morality so limited that it considers inappropriate a word like "damn."

Time GMT: 08/Julio/2009 - 5:02


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