Sunday, October 25, 2009

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Lies: Everything lung

To lie have to be smart, take into account the consequences that continue to lie and anticipating; be , consistent with the statement and not to reveal the secret anybody. It is the silliest.'s All he did Susan Hoefken, Manager of the company in charge of performing in Peru exhibition "The Human Body. Real and fascinating "by inventing the theft of a lung of this sample.

It should poop on your head to think the way they thought Hoefken. Smeared the image of Peru worldwide. Said it was a shame that such an event has happened in Peru. Was not aware of this resulted, the severity of the event.

To start the fall of the castle of lies to put together, let's start some time. Although he was angry, he downplayed the fact he was saying sure that the "perpetrator of the theft" was someone who had no intention to market with the organ. Perhaps a young "butterfly" or a curious child wanting to show their friends the lung.

Another thing that was totally illogical, was that "the child's father who took over the national" Cell Susan called to say he Hoefken left lung in the parking lot. A question on how the child's father had the cell phone number of Miss? The smart thing would have been a pay phone call to a police oaa drafting a major media and communicate that (in the case of making the lie more believable.)

What they saw all was that Susan Hoefken did everything: reporting, investigation, negotiation and regained his lung. No one intervened. That's very suspicious, so the work of the PNP is laudable, because he continued investigating the incident and did not eat the whole story; performance that contrasted with news media that carried by the scoop not further investigated the situation and had only their first flat "theft of lung" and nothing else.

the lie is logical reaction of all Peruvians because our country was tainted to the world by one big stupid. Reporting to the Public Ministry for general misrepresentation and false accusation, Hoefken could receive up to 4 years of deprivation of liberty (jail).

Now the girl is untraceable. It was the summons that the police made on Friday. Therefore, the prosecutor of the Second Joint Provincial Prosecutor of La Molina, Milagros Mora, reported that the capture would be called catching, if not presented until next Tuesday to give his statement.

This is a fact that can not be so. You have to go to jail to pay what caused his little brain. This case in all, I think it's funny. What was going through your head? I really do not understand.

Capture order notes if Susan Hoefken not presented until Tuesday

Friday, October 9, 2009

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With this Congress what awaits us? Phenomenon of alienation

During this week the front pages of major newspapers in the capital were stolen , no doubt, by the Congress. The possible return to parliament and Tula Benites Elsa Canchaya, both outrageous irregularities in recruitment of staff, is the latest news.

For Tula Benites, it seems that the APRA is putting together a plot to bring about the return of the wildly congressman in 2007. Pelaez Bardales Attorney requested file your case, noting that the parliament has committed no crime, because, he said, lawmakers have no responsibility for the people they hire, but the Human Resources Management Congress.

The failure Fizcal Peláez Bardales adheres to the decision at first instance court of the 10 th Court Specializing in Criminal Court, Darío Palacios Dextre acquitted Juan Carlos Cuadros, used "ghost" that Benites hired under the same premise: no responsibility for the congressman in the recruitment of staff.

Palacios Pelaez Bardales and Dexter, have links APRA. According to reports from Peru 21, the former has family ties with APRA. His brothers are the legislator Eduardo Peláez and Council President Edmundo National Judicial Peláez, while the second has links with the militant Moises Tambini Valley and former militant, Cesar Vega Vega, President of the Superior Court of Lima.

The final case that could have Benites, differs widely with the sentence that was imposed to Congresswoman Elsa Canchaya, Standing by the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court. This makes it clear that those responsible for hiring staff are the same Congress. A precedent that I hope, as many Peruvians, serving to contain the apparent interference in the decisions of APRA of justice.

We have before us two cases that give us the freedom to say this, making clear that the evidence indicates that the two congressmen committed crime: Tula Benites is on the verge of returning to Congress, because it is APRA and Party People star in public places there is too much, while Elsa Canchaya, who does not have agreements to save their fraudulent conviction.

There is no doubt that the fururo we have with this Congress is uncertain. The inefficiency conceived by our "Founding Fathers" is tremendous. Are far from becoming a support for the country. Reach the Chamber, for them is a way to earn easy money. Working for Peru, not in their plans.

Reviews for Elsa Canchaya Case