During this week the front pages of major newspapers in the capital were stolen , no doubt, by the Congress. The possible return to parliament and Tula Benites Elsa Canchaya, both outrageous irregularities in recruitment of staff, is the latest news.
The failure Fizcal Peláez Bardales adheres to the decision at first instance court of the 10 th Court Specializing in Criminal Court, Darío Palacios Dextre acquitted Juan Carlos Cuadros, used "ghost" that Benites hired under the same premise: no responsibility for the congressman in the recruitment of staff.
Palacios Pelaez Bardales and Dexter, have links APRA. According to reports from Peru 21, the former has family ties with APRA. His brothers are the legislator Eduardo Peláez and Council President Edmundo National Judicial Peláez, while the second has links with the militant Moises Tambini Valley and former militant, Cesar Vega Vega, President of the Superior Court of Lima.
We have before us two cases that give us the freedom to say this, making clear that the evidence indicates that the two congressmen committed crime: Tula Benites is on the verge of returning to Congress, because it is APRA and Party People star in public places there is too much, while Elsa Canchaya, who does not have agreements to save their fraudulent conviction.
There is no doubt that the fururo we have with this Congress is uncertain. The inefficiency conceived by our "Founding Fathers" is tremendous. Are far from becoming a support for the country. Reach the Chamber, for them is a way to earn easy money. Working for Peru, not in their plans.
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