Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clever Things To Write In Wedding Book

The Moon and the Lunatics: musicology

The Moon and the Lunatics: musicology crazy

Fidel Pablo Guerrero

Those who "are [or are] on the moon" does not necessarily Selenite believe in, or transporting spacecraft to satellite source of inspiration. Their motives are metaphorical use as a resource for the unattainable, brilliant, mysterious, fantastic and romantic. So many artists have used this blue traveling companion, as a pretext in one of their literary and fictional. Between us and as far as music is concerned, there were also "moon creations" from which we can establish: Moonlight (corridor) of the musician Ruben Uquillas the text say belonged to the renowned poet Jorge Carrera Andrade; Night October 9th moon (hallway) by Carlos Chavez, Full Moon (typically air) by an anonymous author and executed by the Troveros Creole High walked the moon (sanjuanito) by Manuel Mantilla Cerón, Moonlight (waltz) by José I. Veintemilla In light of the moon (waltz) Nicholas Abelardo Guerra, Er on the moon montubio (gallop), among others.

montubio Er on the moon
Rodrigo Gonzalez Chavez Adaptation of Guayaquil musician Guido Garay

We are over the moon as er Jumping kangaroo
With Armstrong we are sure
in the lunar module.

True 'this pen
is very cold and desolate
But Aldrin and my machete
not afraid of this place.

Selene We're on baby step with the moon.
(From the manuscript score courtesy of researcher Wilman Ordóñez).

Sheet Er montubio on the moon. Dar click on image to view and print big.

Audio Er montubio on the moon. Dar click play and turn up the volume.

To reach the moon, sometimes transportation is required and for that we created the fabulous stories of ships and strange beings who travel in them and even it is said, have come to Third Earth to bring breakthroughs technology. It seems that the only people who came to negotiate with these beings extraterrrestress are the "gringos" because no, no contacts we have come to give us the technology, what else has come to us is the techno-cumbia , the degree of technology (?) that occur in musical institutions after 13 years of study and what it can be said that it is aliens, is that we have developed the technology to install the entire universe in a small garage, which is surprising to themselves as aliens. But ufologists maintain that everything is going to solve it as superior beings come and bring us more fabulous developments. If so we will soon be planting corn on the moon.

love on the moon. Promoting an F. Hall Paredes Herrera appeared in a newspaper Guayaquil in the 30's. Wilma Stock Granda.

Indeed, Americans are those who have had more abductions and close contacts of 1st, 2nd and 3rd kind (there are blondes Pentagon have close contact with up to 4 types). In July 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico, USA, is supposed to hit a flying saucer, these circumstances is considered the most important UFO event. Also speaking of the legendary Area 51 where they keep all extraterrestrial objects and information (as much as we have here are 51 areas without sewer and no information of roads).

Anyway musicians created futuristic versions of flying saucers and Martians love. Anglo is a musical piece that was translated into English and circulated in this country using the title of Marcianita , coming to occupy top of rock and roll .

In our country also think, musically, in flying saucers. In the capital, in February 1950 became a Creole version around flying objects that can contribute to the discussion of ufologists. The author the "King of the Parade" César Humberto Baquero:

The flying saucer
César Baquero, music and text

When we marry black
I'll take the blue sky
The latest ship
which hitherto was known.

not be surprised my brown
not believe me
is a talker modern ship:
The flying saucer.

On the Mars and Venus by the moon pass

For my love will never fail.

Our love will be like in the vast blue sky.
From the earth to see Like a little star

The sheet music of César Baquero: The flying saucer.
Scores The flying saucer. Dar click on images to enlarge and print.

Audio The flying saucer César Baquero. Dar click play and turn up the volume.

technological Apparently his text did not pass the duos and trios of an era and sweet-tinged be interested in this piece of music, to the extent that we have not found recorded, perhaps ran out recordings therefore we disclose your score, at least as an oddity that was doomed to oblivion [1] .

Other notable events linked to the same subject have inspired artists. The landing of man was an event unforgettable for those in the 60's never went to Woodstock and had enough conscience to worry about that feat, considered the greatest achievement of the twentieth century after the loss of the war in Vietnam, the creation of symbol pee and lov and marijuana as an alternative means of transportation into space. On July 20, 1969 the man set foot alien. Astronaut Neil Armstrong put his boot on the moon and said the historic words: "This is a small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." It looks like the joke that makes two-way Masons: "This is a small MA for a man, one giant ZON for humanity."

fabric is still in doubt whether Americans actually in the ruthless competition of the conquest of space between communists and capitalists, arrived or not to step on the satellite. Records were promoted much film on the subject. The wonder in the world was egregious, I remember that very young my father brought a scale paper model lunar module that came with a promotion, I think cigarette. Among the pictures and visual record of landing is the U.S. flags waving in the middle of the lunar soil, it is rare to say this is impossible because of the lack wind in areas of low gravity. Certainly the assumption is that since landing, never set foot on land again selenite and many scientists and skeptics believe was the greatest hoax of the twentieth century astrolunar.

anyway impressed by that epic cosmic cayambeño the amazing composer, Luis Humberto Salgado (1903-1977) created his Selene (whose name is also known to the moon, hence selenite .) This works for trio of woods: flute, oboe and English horn, established in Quito between 3 August and 24 August 1969, dedicated to the protagonists of the feat: Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins, consists of 3 movements: I. Item (Adagio ground) ; II. Lunar Landing (Andantino) ; III. Return (Adagio Quasi Andante).

Selene Audio (excerpt) / Luis Humberto Salgado.

If he had come to confirm that it was a trick film, in order to win the space race with the Russians and the evidence of the moon landing was faked, surely he had broken his temperamental Salgado work, although it would have been sufficient to change her name and instead of Selena Selene dubbed him, thereby unwittingly have paid tribute to the former singer tex mex.

Speaking of lunatics I remember the story of the "War of the Worlds," a radio program that caused a stir in Quito and its surroundings, in February 1949 and then was a tragedy: the burning of plants the "wild beasts" of Trade (although that would not be algunitos tragedy). Leonardo Paez was broadcaster, storyteller and musician. Páez was the creator of many popular pieces including the classic The tuna Quito (parade), and Mrs. Queen (parade) and Mass twelve (Albaz), and was a member of the great duo Villavicencio-Páez. He worked at Radio Quito and came to the Ecuadorian version of The War of The Worlds, whose base was a 1898 novel that was mounted in the U.S. and caused tremendous impact, as well as in the version of Quito, was led to believe that aliens invading and destroying the country.

In the radio stopped playing the duo Benítez-Valencia was playing to give a news flash: we were invading aliens. Gradually it was mentioned that moving through the city and they were in Alameda and that its passage there were only ashes. Many people actually thought it was an incursion of alien beings.

My mother told me that Pomasqui are warning bells sounded the event and there were moments of panic. When the shock passed and the listeners became aware of the deception decided to go after the cheaters. Shouting "Down with blankets" (owners of El Comercio and Radio Quito)-as we said one of the eyewitnesses, the singer Don Gonzalo Benitez, decided to set fire to the building. Several people died, including two musicians: the violinist Perfect Guayaquil and pianist Raul Alvarado Molestina, who worked in musical performances by the radio. Don Gonzalo pointed out that many musicians, actors who were on the ground radial saved by passages and attics risking dangerous to adjoining buildings, both he and the "Potolo" Valencia got out unharmed, with some bumps and bruises by the way in the heat intense and zinc and burned brick. Had also been a bass-and pointing-joked: "With this Manotas horny I had felt neither the heat of the bricks and climb and managed to save his life."

Figure conducted the same month of the fire. 1949. Compilation Fidel Pablo Guerrero.

Paez had to escape the angry mob and hide for a while, say that in some population of the province of Imbabura, where the parade compose Queen and Mrs ( precious Earth of Imbabura, Ecuador's most beautiful ... ). Then he settled permanently in Venezuela.

musician Carlos E. Murrieta, apparently shortly after he was released "War of the Worlds," to pass the scare, was a passage entitled Martians:

Hall Words and music: Carlos E. Murrieta

Martians arrived! My beautiful no-
are natural beings
Sensitive love
beings are hard-working, melodious voices
That "armed guitars
sing for you today! Authentic Martian

Smiling When we aim to death,
Smiling at how ...
Our attitude is not war, can never be
For beautiful eyes, the Glorious
is dying!

Martians came
That panic did not fester: We are ambassadors

In a gallant mission: Sing this
The inviting lobby
MARCIA, and return to Mars

cheering Ecuador.
(In: The mosquito , No. 3, volume 26, [ca. P. 9]. Guayaquil, 1949. Gift of our friend, journalist Hugo Delgado Cepeda Guayaquil).

Well ... with fictional alien war, with fire through or not, the fact is that crazy left us with the coup of September 30, apparently the police and other reactionary groups sought to celebrate the Day Ecuadorian Hall (October 1) with assassination and all, the acquittal of the prosecutor and his wife also left us without a screw, to no avail the toy car that led to the Assembly "El Loco" Velasco (Al "Paco" I mean, not José María); that's not counting the media owners are like crazy with the Communication Act and crazy are the Country Alliance ranks as some government acolytes will campaign for the No on the Consultation; politicking crazy things, perhaps for lack of radicalization and working with people and not "citizens", or perhaps because there are too infiltrates and opportunists: the problem of "leftism curuchupa" which is something alien, and, as crazy thing is they say they "El Loco" Abdullah (his own to tie). Sorry, but I have to interrupt the soli lochia because I have come to see the Sisters Moon and I have brought a triple sleeve shirt, they say that to give a concert at the Sanitarium ... my time in the quarter padding .

Quito, February 2010 (minor changes in 22 February 2011)
[1] text or letter was separate and not placed under the pattern, so that we have as we believe it could be.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Salon Interview Thank You Notes

I want to be Congressman Alan

I often see with disgust the work of our Founding Fathers. I feel sorry to see that after his eagerness to get to Congress, not the call to serve his country, but the concern blatant take advantage of his position.
This Congress is already going, let us "Mataperros", "comepollos", "planchacamisa", "lavapies", "robaluz", etc. And now to have another litter doors of congressmen who, undoubtedly, will have to talk (only candidates still do), feel sad again.
Someone has to put things in order. Someone has to let them know that the congressman is not a scoundrel who uses his position to make arrangements filthy, evade justice (immunity), stealing silver per diem, practice nepotism, to hiring ghost ... End if not list the crimes committed in their efforts.
After so much disappointment, round in my head the crazy idea of \u200b\u200bwanting to be a Congressman. Not to do what described above, but because I have the ideal to change much rot within that government agency. I want to be a congressman and teach all those drones who live in us, that Peru did not play.
is outrageous to see people who have been planned life-congress congress as having a secure job. There is little or nothing to do and frankly, more educated they can be certain, the bottle has to remove them. There should be immediate parliamentary reelection. We deworm the Congress.
parliamentary candidates should not be handpicked. Must be party members and go through elections. May include guests, but all this must have a filter. You can not get anybody else to occupy an important place. It is possible that people like "Pepe Vasquez", "Brad Pizza", Evelyn Ortiz, July Pinedo, etc. have the support of the masses to enter only facilitated their pockets.
The immunity it must exist, but not abuse it. Should be an obligation to use only against urgent issues that may threaten the good performance of a congressman. They can not hold it up to corrupt the incorruptible and did not pass anything through that shield. In
participant must be an honest person. You should not have complaints of any kind and, if the need should always be diligent to justice. Should not evade judgments invoke its immunity. If he is guilty of something, not worthy of the parliament.
salaries are excessive. The salary for a congressman should not be greater than 2 in 1500 nuevos soles more benefits. It is unacceptable for a person earns more than 14 billion suns just warm the seat and steal at will. It is outrageous that there are many high level professionals who are underemployed.
If ever I become a congressman, would donate all my salary to shelters in need and I only stay with those 2 in 1500 soles, no more. It would not be part of that strip of Drones that are not worth much and apart from winning sueldote want more and more. I want to be a congressman for that and more reasons. Do not take any more so sirvergüenzura.
I talk more, such as the preparation that must have our founding fathers, but I'll leave for another post, because this issue is endless. I just hope that when we go to vote we elect someone who at least believe he loves his country or do like me, vitiate his vote.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Phildar Disney Knitting

Wherein lies the greatness of our civilization?