Friday, February 11, 2011

Salon Interview Thank You Notes

I want to be Congressman Alan

I often see with disgust the work of our Founding Fathers. I feel sorry to see that after his eagerness to get to Congress, not the call to serve his country, but the concern blatant take advantage of his position.
This Congress is already going, let us "Mataperros", "comepollos", "planchacamisa", "lavapies", "robaluz", etc. And now to have another litter doors of congressmen who, undoubtedly, will have to talk (only candidates still do), feel sad again.
Someone has to put things in order. Someone has to let them know that the congressman is not a scoundrel who uses his position to make arrangements filthy, evade justice (immunity), stealing silver per diem, practice nepotism, to hiring ghost ... End if not list the crimes committed in their efforts.
After so much disappointment, round in my head the crazy idea of \u200b\u200bwanting to be a Congressman. Not to do what described above, but because I have the ideal to change much rot within that government agency. I want to be a congressman and teach all those drones who live in us, that Peru did not play.
is outrageous to see people who have been planned life-congress congress as having a secure job. There is little or nothing to do and frankly, more educated they can be certain, the bottle has to remove them. There should be immediate parliamentary reelection. We deworm the Congress.
parliamentary candidates should not be handpicked. Must be party members and go through elections. May include guests, but all this must have a filter. You can not get anybody else to occupy an important place. It is possible that people like "Pepe Vasquez", "Brad Pizza", Evelyn Ortiz, July Pinedo, etc. have the support of the masses to enter only facilitated their pockets.
The immunity it must exist, but not abuse it. Should be an obligation to use only against urgent issues that may threaten the good performance of a congressman. They can not hold it up to corrupt the incorruptible and did not pass anything through that shield. In
participant must be an honest person. You should not have complaints of any kind and, if the need should always be diligent to justice. Should not evade judgments invoke its immunity. If he is guilty of something, not worthy of the parliament.
salaries are excessive. The salary for a congressman should not be greater than 2 in 1500 nuevos soles more benefits. It is unacceptable for a person earns more than 14 billion suns just warm the seat and steal at will. It is outrageous that there are many high level professionals who are underemployed.
If ever I become a congressman, would donate all my salary to shelters in need and I only stay with those 2 in 1500 soles, no more. It would not be part of that strip of Drones that are not worth much and apart from winning sueldote want more and more. I want to be a congressman for that and more reasons. Do not take any more so sirvergüenzura.
I talk more, such as the preparation that must have our founding fathers, but I'll leave for another post, because this issue is endless. I just hope that when we go to vote we elect someone who at least believe he loves his country or do like me, vitiate his vote.


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