Monday, December 13, 2010

Why Do You Get Dry Before Your Period?

care: humorous story song

The care, or the Andean radiography: a song with humorous anecdote

Fidel Pablo Guerrero
December 2010

The guinea pig, pet the Andean region since ancient times has two primary uses: food and symbolic element of the body to cure ills. The so-called "kneaded" or "clean" is done with a live guinea pig, which passes through the body of the sick animal absorbs the evils of the patient and serves as a ray of illness, the shaman looks into the bowels of the animal and discover in them the source of evil and thus can give his diagnosis and how to treat it ( Indian Identities in Contemporary Ecuador . Cayambe: Abya Yala, 1995). In

our country there are some songs that mention animals and plants, which we will try in future cases, but for today let's focus on the guinea pig, care or, more sophisticated, guinea pig, as defined by English and then was linked experimental use that name you do with these animals. Homemade soup

As there are various preparations for the guinea pig, but perhaps the most popular is the guinea pig, served with potatoes, salsa and lettuce. There is a sanjuanito who sings the Ecuadorian people in which he mentions in this dish.

The guinea pig dish sanjuanito

chicken broth and a dish care
and a beer
not fail ... in my house.

Likewise, it is mentioned in another disk recorded piece of slate, called Compadre nosed, typical air created by Alfredo Carpio-author of Quito Chulla - which mentions the "chili of care "(chili sauce with care), the interpretation is in charge of Villavicencio Duo Páez. We have also compiled the score, at which time the title Cui Aji.

VIDEO: Compadre Nato or Aji de cui

Compadre (typically air) Alfredo Carpio

Aji of care (repeat 4 times)

/ Upa, elé, this is really home humor;
stomping drive, removing dust from the ground
/ [spoken]. Aji de

care (repeat 4 times)

I. I'm loose soil nosed friend
rout me a drink;
've only come to ask
or otherwise I get.
-A heck do not ask me compadre
that I have to take
[street street is your daughter]
it, for me to kill.
Aji of care (repeat 4 times)

/ So I like pretty,
with torciditas and kneeling
then I give a jacket potato;
Iija, Iija / [spoken]

Aji of care (repeat 4 times)

II. Although I ask with all my soul
no, I said, oh my friend.
not be wrong to think calmly
say I am very good my mother and
says pour me a bash
I know what I do to and my friend
I am his son more you want.

/ I go to dance dance toditos
a nice turkey
so is my life,
me to go to hell daughter / [spoken]

Aji of care (repeat 4 times)

: II
Aji de cui (repeat 3 times)
huijaa my soul.

Carpio, Alfredo. Nato Compadre (cachullapi *) [record label, 78 rpm; blackboard] / Duo Villavicencio Paez male duet, set "Native Soul": set. Victor: Side A / 82 714-A. - USA NJ * Gender: typical air.

the score AUDIO: Aji de cui or Nato Compadre. Dar click play and volume up

Score of Nato Compadre or Aji de cui . Dar click to view and print big.

The grandson of Cui
Quito In 1918 the composer's Love Car-Or-tiz stable (1859-1937) created a pa-si-ment with the no-gu-lar you-tu-lo: Grandson of Cui . This piece has its story that we had to tell right away.

Cartoon Carlos Amable "El Pollo" Ortiz and his picture of the late s. XIX. Courtesy of Benjamin Ortiz.

This little story begins a few years earlier, in 1915, when Carlos Amable Ortiz, who was nicknamed "El Pollo" created a corridor with the suggestive title blowing dead, it happened to be known by the military bands. It is said that after listening to the famous composer funeral marches, Antonio Nieto, to ironic composed Ortiz creating a corridor that titled Chicken blowing, which made reference to the nickname of Ortiz. A musical response was swift and to return the favor Ortiz created the hall of care Nieto, Antonio Nieto as he was known by the nickname "Cui."

Score: Grandson of Cui / Carlos Amable Ortiz. Dar click to view and print big.

AUDIO midi (no repeats): cui Nieto / Carlos Amable Ortiz


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