Saturday, January 1, 2011

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crazy New Year: Testament grandson of Indian

New Year: Testament of the Indian

For Fidel Pablo

Today just
and nothing to give
only old songs
so they can dance.

In 1930 the composer Ecuadorian Carlos Amable Ortiz (1859-1937) created the music for a Sanjuán entitled The Testament of the Indian , referring to an indigenous legacy that makes his poor possessions to their heirs. The text was apparently made by a mestizo, has an ironic, mocking intent. With a resemblance there are traditions in our environment, in which context it is also developing a "Testament" imaginary goods leaving the bereaved of the year concluded.

Dolls of the Old Year (Quito-Ecuador). The legends are looking to be funny: "Since 30 September the Police Hospital also serves kidnappings, "said one poster to refer to the abduction of the President of the Republic at the Police Hospital.

because Ecuador has a family tradition that takes place at year's end on 31 December, in many parts of the country and is called the "Burning the Old Year," which fact adds to the reading of the " Year Old Testament, "which is a letter that recounts the events that have occurred throughout the year (in the country, outside of him or family level) and a series of legacies or inheritances to which" The Scribe "or" Notario "is often given a humorous, ironic, claim or complaint.

a lesser scale, you can still buy on the street for 25 cents, "The Political Testament of the Old Year" printed by anonymous authors and questionable quality of content ... Communications technology now also have the "Wills cyber" that we receive through the network ...

Testament 2010
(From head to toe)

Start and bequeathed a tribute bohemian

Sandro, cantor as a reward
his artistic existence. I remember in my teens

my first love and even my teachers
still humming their tunes. Although he
was, these ballads
relieve the troubles!. Speaking of sorrows

which occurred in Haiti
hurt us as
happen here on our soil.
not the gringos
comfort and advantage that damage to steal

titanium pretending to be compassionate. Nettle
for those living and Haiti

Follow the crisis in Greece
and becomes more acute: the rich

ask for help and appreciate the state. The jobless rages

and blame the immigrant
accuse him of being fat thug
while daily.
I leave to millionaires purgative
a banquet!
The Obama says President

withdraw its troops from Iraq but leave boot
fifty thousand insane.
So even without glasses I can see clearly
his trick
to pursue the oil tit
What has been delivered to its people?
bombs, bullets, bayonets!
(Fragment Testament 2010: From head to toe prepared by Jaime Guevara "El Cantor Contraband," which arrived in our e-mail).

The "Testament" is performed by one or more "write" in verses three, four, five or more lines, which may be rhymed or not, and can obviously is the topic of multiple variants - family matters, political, local, package, etc .- attempting to be humorous overtones. In its structure the "Testament" usually contain three segments defined.

a. Presentation or greeting, with signs of repentance before the Notary

start dictating

oath and my will.

Poor poor have come but I'll let them

everything I am.

Now you just want to make my life

distributed to all at a time
my luck and my fortune.

The legacy I leave them
will serve as counsel for only
shungo *
treasured this crazy old fool. Shungo

: Quechua means heart, love, figuratively.

b. Development, in which the Old Year gives his goods or his wishes

taking leave my children do not believe I forgot to

each of you will post more than a penny.

stone pillow in the sleeping, drunken

left my company.

to leave hair combs
to give all my
unmarried daughters. Two old shirts

left in the closet to make hats

my unmarried children.

Two old mattresses and blankets worn

clogging my daughters married.

Two guards and helmets to protect

reinforced my children married.

The government, a guidance manual
so you know what the revolution
Remember that time flies
And things are not changing
As change in Venezuela:
Here, as Patty says,
No change which is nothing.

c. Etc. Finally a closing or farewell, which is made known that comes to an end and the Old Year is going to be sacrificed:
Better today than tomorrow

that tomorrow I do not know yet

I die and I have very thirsty. Serve

drink and the table and come and see his old
that has prepared a big turkey to feed
. Shrimp and crab

the Old Year ended
rice dish with egg
live the New Year.

To my family, everything I had
two songs and a bracero
to rejoice in January next year
to come.

sadness I say goodbye to this year devalued
put the turkey on the table
that will be finished.

Everything comes to an end
and has been in the past, prepare for the Old

that will be burned.

Masks for the Old Year is sold at makeshift stalls (Quito).

Within this tradition - which occurs not know since when, maybe since the twentieth century? - Burning the old year, represented by a doll or puppet made of old clothes that are filled with sawdust or paper and that placing a mask of a character (there are now very sophisticated dolls, made of cardboard or fiber and of massive proportions that emulate with incredible similarity to a variety of political figures, presenters and television personalities, athletes, among many others that are part of the national and international conjuncture. Product of the coup attempt in which the police participated, now is the first time we've seen a lot of dolls from the National Police).

A large doll represented the Ecuadorian referee Byron Moreno who was arrested with a drug shipment in the U.S.. Quito, 2010.

Banda de Pomasqui. Year Old. Pomasqui, 2005.

The doll or dolls are placed on a pallet or in a sort of hut made of branches of eucalyptus leaves palm trees or tables and display them throughout the day with funny captions making a political history of migrants, drunks and any issue that reaches the popular imagination to sketch on a prominent event occurred throughout the year. Several men and children dress up as "Widow" of the Old Year, men with bras, skirts and wigs seeking alms "a caridadcita for the poor old man" in sadness and flirtatious tone coins and ask passersby, who often deposited in a case of the "Widow" a few cents.

The "Widows of the Old Year," which once wore a black suit to represent mourning, in our time are more colorful.

When needed half an hour to midnight, the family gathers around the "Old Man", which lies at that time lying in the street or in the backyard and read the "Testament" (some hit and kick the doll so bad that I tried the year), the radio is on at full volume and listen to an emotional speaker who makes the count in minutes and seconds, and finally when you get to 24:00 New Year eating, dancing and sipping - in many cases - to the dawn families embrace and express good wishes for the coming year. The young children then jump over the flame burned dolls that were previously soaked in gasoline and, in some cases filled with firecrackers, which are still used despite the ban. The glow of thousands of almost simultaneous bonfires loom from a distance in different parts of the city.

The family gets together and burn the old year. The children jump the flame as part of the event fun.

The Indian Testament
In the book Songs of the Ecuadorian people compilation of conservative political writer and Juan León Mera (1832-1894) and published in 1892 contains a piece entitled The Testament of the Indian , a kind of mockery of the status of Native Americans and their division of assets. Transcribe its text with the respective explanatory notes that explain the terms Quechua (and also glimpse the mind of the compiler, as in that of "the people, even people of worth"):


This That poor
I will refer here, I made an Indian

Little unhappy before he died. Item

declare that I leave my sinful soul to God,
and body
of mother earth which God formed him.

I have been married and veiled
No more than once,
and four children God has given me
In this one woman. Item

declare that I leave this sad old hut,
To live my children,
If my master wants and leaves them.

leave a Cullman [1] has
Over forty holes,
And a more patched trousers
That a beggar panties [2] . I leave my poncho

Although it is nothing but rags,
And my hat, so old that no longer has
or skirts. I leave my shigrita

[3] old
And my puquito [4] , though broken,
And also my maquicaras [5]
Made of leather fox.

What is land, not stop,
Because I have no more
Hollow cemetery in which they will bury me.

We believe that the Sanjuán Carlos Amable Ortiz, mentioned at the beginning of this writing, is a newer version that compiled by Mera, behold your text

The Testament
Indian Music: Carlos Amable Ortiz
to: NN
This will

will refer to what the Indian said
before dying.

commend my soul to God my daddy
and my girl
my pot of rice. Brother Raymond

have I care that my girl can not
the world. Brother Patrick

have I care that my two children are given to the vice
. Brother James

have I care that my sheep

not take the wolf.

Four cocks breasts, five with the rooster

sister city does not take the piggy. The Soberado

cutting scissors I have quarrels
of my little women. The tangancito

I have my puquito
where I ate
chiri porotito. Bloated belly

almost give
I called my fixie

soul who put me in quiet

Behind the door where I have a resting

estradito the poor little Indian. Under the leather

I have coins for
misitas say, I will. Goodbye my Longuita

I do not see the poor little Indian
you'll remember.

's score The Indian Testament (Sanjuan) / Carlos Amable Ortiz. Dar click on image to view and print big.

audio The Indian The Testament (Sanjuan) / Carlos Amable Ortiz. Midi version. Dar click play and turn up the volume.

There is another version of the composer Azuay Francisco Paredes Herrera, whose recording was made by the Brothers Valencia. Your text here:
I: / I will relate, I will refer
he said the Indian
the time of death / (bis)
II: / Three I have little children
them are boys they do not know
cushmas or pants / (bis)
III: Command to
pot of rice for people
have to eat.
IV: / Send to make chicha
for people
have to drink / (bis).
V: Let them come my buses
my wife also come my compadres, my dog \u200b\u200b
VI: / I will give
Taita my soul to my God and my girl
the pot of rice / (bis).
Now the old year is over, you only have to say that the tradition of the "Burning the Old Year," long-standing, and a little eco-along to "Will" are terms still in force and appreciated by the Ecuadorian people and as are a source of family unity, joy and an alternative to laugh at the power of the exploiters, of which create inequality or bad rulers be a valid and persistent legacy of our people.

Juan León Mera Notes:
[1] Sleeveless, regular canvas. (Note by Juan León Mera).
[2] The people, and even people of worth, we usually between incurring the lack of call beggar to the beggar, taking the alms received by the day. A few years here, thanks to the brief catalog of language errors Dr. Cevallos, to those outlined by Mr. Crow, the Don Gallicisms Dictionary RM Baralt and fairly disclosed to other books in Ecuador, and, above all, the very progress of culture, language is purified in the Republic, in particular visuo society and people who aspire to appear enlightened and worthy of consideration. (Note by Juan León Mera).
[3] JICRA shigra or bag, hemp yarn, woven way to what is now called crochet. Some are fine-Brad graciously. Serve the Indians, among other uses, to save the Mashco (barley flour) or roasted corn, especially how-do they travel. (Note by Juan León Mera).
[4] PUCO, ordinary clay cup. (Note by Juan León Mera).
[5] raw leather sleeves used by the Indians at work. Tend them, as indicated by the text, the skin of anise, erroneously called fox. Anise, I have not seen successfully classified and described by zoologists know, but it certainly has to be by others, is a quadruped quite similar in size and shape to the Sarig, they say abound in Brazil, and that it is less common in the highlands of Ecuador, where usually gives behalf of fox (shit in our Indian language), but the anise is less big ears, snout and tail less acute long bristle cover and abundant. It is black with a white stripe from head to tail, has legs work you will be short and slightly longer front and armed with strong claws, they dig the earth to extract the worms that feed. When pursued, wetting tail in their urine, which are pungent and pungentísimo, and spreads. The Indians of the Andes eat the flesh of anise, and employ his lungs as a specific against pneumonia, especially to preserve it. From what I observed, this remedy is not something that deserves to be despised by the doctors, should study and do experiments (sic) with him. (Note by Juan León Mera).


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