Monday, January 3, 2011

Masterbation In School


On 1 January 2005 began the Decade of Education for a Sustainable Future, United Nations established by the unanimous consent of the General Assembly so that educators help form citizens aware to social and environmental problems facing humanity today and prepared to participate in making decisions. And that same day launched the web / decade as a tool to promote maximum involvement in achieving those objectives.

Since then some 12,000 teachers and 250 educational institutions in Latin America have joined this site to the objectives of the Decade ( / decade / adhesiones.php ). And what's more important is producing a monthly average of 20000 (twenty thousand!) Access to the Key Action Points (TAC), which deal in some detail the various problems, closely linked, that characterize the current situation planetary emergency, its causes and the measures required and can take in the various fields, stressing the need for treatment holistic set of issues. These TACs are updated regularly, both as regards its content and the inclusion of keywords ( / decade / index.php ), which already exceed the 600, and useful references to deepen them. During the past

2010, celebrating the Ecuador of the decade, has made a particular effort in-depth renovation of the site, to provide it with better tools to facilitate access to different content, which have also been expanded. Thus, for example, has added a new TAC devoted to "rural development ." Rural development deserves much more attention than it has been providing, as it currently work for nearly half the world population and its role is essential to ensure access to food for all human beings and for the protection and conservation natural resources.

This same effort extends updating the other sections of the website, whose presentation was also completely renovated in the year now drawing from the extensive " Reading Room" to "What can we do ", which summarizes the specific actions that can and must do, as citizens and as educators, collected from a large literature and numerous workshops ( / decade / hacer.php ):

One of the main changes introduced in 2010 has been the recent incorporation of facebook Educators for sustainability , accessible from the website of the Decade and is receiving considerable attention from the Internet.

particular importance for promoting the objectives of the Decade have newsletters that almost monthly intervals are those who have joined the Decade, whose history can be found at . These bulletins broadcast proposals for action related to newsworthy events, such as support for global citizen actions designed to exert a positive pressure on policy makers to commit to decisions that contribute to sustainability. That pressure is now absolutely necessary to advance Millennium Development Goals or, more specifically, to achieve an ambitious, fair and binding emission reduction of greenhouse gases. In this regard it will be necessary along the year that now begins, educators, media, scientific community, and citizens believe the social climate that requires political leaders to sign on the next climate summit to be held in Durban, South Africa, the protocol that concrete measures agreed at Cancun, where it exceeded the pessimism that seemed to have settled after Copenhagen and multilateral negotiations resumed.

has to get to Durban in 2011 involving the fight against climate change that led to Montreal in 1987 to combat the destruction of the ozone layer. The Montreal Protocol initiated the process of removing substances destroy the ozone layer that protects us from deadly radiation, overcoming denial myopic interests and unfounded. Similarly, Durban protocol has to implement, as required by the scientific community, an urgent process towards a low carbon economy. After the failure of Copenhagen and the rectification of Cancun, Durban has to go down in history of the major decisions necessary to overcome predatory and unsupportive growth and progress towards sustainable development. It's in our hands to help without further delay, this is achieved this year 2011.

2011 also represents the implementation of a project should represent a leap social equity and quality in education in Latin America: "Educational Goals 2021: The education we want for the bicentennial generation" which, as noted in the Bulletin 55, making education for sustainability a key element of values \u200b\u200beducation for active democratic citizenship.

Educators for sustainability
Bulletin No. 58, January 1, 2011



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