Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Half Brazilian Half Filipino


Article published by Miguel Angel Alario by the chemical Mexico Prize for Science and Technology 2009 "Knowledge and research provide a self-sufficient nations to add value in different areas which contribute to their social, cultural and economic." in the La Jornada, January 24, 2011.

    • "It's amazing that Mexico export oil and import gasoline when it should be exporting it, "said the president of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain.

C ity of Mexico. A country supporting science is able to obtain economic gains of up to a kilo of sand. The development of knowledge and research to provide self-sufficient nations to add value in different areas which contribute to their social, cultural and economic.

So says

English scientist and Miguel Angel Alario Franco, professor Faculty of Chemistry, University Complutense of Madrid, for whom education and science must be a State policy irrespective of parties, personalities and ideologies that rule. A country without science is a country without influence, synthesizes.

On 14 January, Franco Alario and Mexico was awarded the Science and Technology 2009, that gave the Mexican government for his contributions in the chemistry world.

Based on an example relating to discipline, argues that its premise: "All nations of the world are rich in silicon, there is one that does not have because this element is in the earth beneath our feet. If you go to camp and get a kilo of sand, it does not cost anything. However, if the process to obtain pure, crystalline silicon, necessary for the operation of transistors and circuits, a kilo of this material can cost up to $ 50 000. That's added value. "

In an interview with La Jornada says that it is incredible that Mexico exports oil and import gasoline: Your country should be exporting the fuel, he said. Counterpart located in Brazil as an example to follow in Latin America in promoting scientific and technological research.

Current president of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain, and Franco Alario is a global pioneer in the study of solid state chemistry and development of new superconducting materials synthesized under high temperatures and pressures.

His work has been widely recognized, among others received the 1984 Prize of the Royal Academy of Sciences of his native country and in 1996 the Medal of Honor of the English Royal Society of Chemistry.

The researcher believes that a scientific societies should also be recognized a pop singer or a football player. And even goes further by asserting that social scientists should know that Antoine Lavoisier is the father of modern chemistry and the hard scientists know that Miguel de Cervantes is the author of Don Quixote.

- Why do scientists insist so much on economic investment in science?

-is essential. Must be a State policy. This is not a project of a political party, left or right. When a ruler the drives, and then ends his term, he relieve him to continue treatment because there is no development without science.

advanced countries, which form the first dozen, have enormous scientific development that then used. Some believe that there are two types of science: pure and applied. I would not define it as applied science and have not applied because they end up applying. Any scientific discovery eventually used, although we now realize. The development of a country is measured by the value added generated from knowledge.

- Do you see interest among governments to support these items?

-Japan, U.S., Germany, South Korea, Singapore, Finland, do research, apply and gain added value. Their policy is fully supported.

"But when I speak of a state strategy I refer to two sectors: the public and business. The first consists of universities and research centers and the support they should receive from the government. Although it can not cover everything, is also investing in roads and social programs.

So you have to specify in the private sector because science companies benefit. A crucial step for a country to be advanced is that entrepreneurs make real investments in this area and these are not a disguise to evade taxes.

- What work has to play the State to encourage entrepreneurs to invest in science?

"In principle taught in basic education. From an early age that has clear relevance to the development of the nation.

must also have a major public research system and favor companies that produce knowledge and hire scientists. But it takes seriously: if a company that manufactures screws, his research should be directed to solving problems related to this product is not put scientists to do math.

Latin America should follow in the footsteps of Brazil

Franco Alario and states that it is difficult for small and medium enterprises have to install credit research. It therefore proposes that a number of working collaboratively to achieve funding scientific research to help them resolve problems connected with their production.

- What are the emerging nations that stand out internationally in scientific development?

-India is impressive and, of course, China. In 10 years we will go to the street and almost all development and technology will be Chinese. In Latin America, Brazil is the head, rapid development has been enormous, is betting on research and has a long way to go. That is the way forward in the region.

- What is the difference between Brazil and the rest of the region?

-Its rulers. The two former presidents, Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, believed and invested in science, development and distribution of wealth. The latter can not be solely in the hands of four, although there are four rich people can not have both and the rest of the population has nothing. This distribution is important social and economic development of nations.

- How should a country spend on science and technology?

"The figure varies from nation to nation. But at least 2 percent of GDP, divided equally between government and business. In Mexico is much lower, barely 0.5 percent of this indicator, in Spain are at 1.2 and complain, Japan reaches 3 percent.

- What is the perception from Europe Mexican science?

"That is very good research groups, but insufficient. Some even at levels similar to European and U.S. scientists.

-In 2011 marks the International Year of Chemistry. What relevance does this have for the advancement of the discipline so often stigmatized?

-The relevance of see the end of the year. It is important to the idea of \u200b\u200bUNESCO. There has been international years of physics, mathematics or astronomy. It is good that the company sees that a year is devoted to discipline, but from my perspective I think it would be better than all the years devoted to each subject a little.


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