Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sharking Sperm In Public

Learn by doing and should be fun

Understanding education by experience. Teachers explain what they think is important.
  • How many could pass the exam last year?
  • it is made of the old school but with a computer.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

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Do not go to war

manabita Composer Moreira Constantino Mendoza.

not go to war partner
United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland), USA, Italy and France are very interested in the invasion of Libya. Oil is the main reason they have these powers to develop the offensive. Armed incursions, sanctified by the UN (political tool created by the U.S. in World War II), through which now become legal wars with the alleged participation of all nations, however are the powers that dominate the world they decide. A country American did not even consult the actions carried out (hence it is mandatory to form a league of South American nations).

colonial powers persist in their quest for domination, which in modern times is basically three steps. First, create a fictitious support of some countries 'allies' and world opinion through a media blitz (for which CNN and other media employees serve as a bastion), then give an appearance of legality to the armed incursion, with the UN resolution in this case, and finally the war and occupation in which the benefits are distributed. If the U.S. did not manage to get resources Libyan oil, the resistance that may appear on the intervention, at least be left unused, another country destroyed and have it split, a strategy that the imperialists have always used to control the weaker nations.

Perhaps the time is right to disseminate the text of Hidrovo Horacio Velasquez, who was to music as tango by Ecuadorian composer Moreira Constantino Mendoza (1898-1985):

not go to war partner
Ecuador Tango
Horacio V., Constantino Mendoza
text, music

Get Involved in suburban tango
And listen while I'm dancing this song ... I

part not go to war partner,
not serve as bait to the ambition ...
not give away the strength of your arm,
Al rich is the same operator,
And if you want to fight for your cause is
For the sake of your release ...

Comrade Part II: The
preach war phonies
yesterday's oppressed will always respond to your cry
With the voice of the cannon shrapnel.
Brothers South and North.
also be reluctant to leave.
not go ahead
That fellow is not just die or kill.

Audio tango: not go to war partner / Constantino Mendoza. To listen to click on play and turn up the volume. If you do not hear the audio click in the following ditección:

Score: not go to war partner / Constantino Mendoza. Dar click on images to view and print big.

Doeas Abccess Always Hurt

companion magazine El Diablo Idle (EDO) No. 8

Magazine No. 8 (to click on the address below)

Dear Friends From the Middle

World (0 ° 0 '), where is located the Republic of Ecuador (South America) we do get a free 8 of the Ecuadorian music magazine EDO (El Diablo Idle). This version's soundtrack, so if you want to hear the musical examples included in the articles, should be connected to the internet and click on the purple circles contained in each piece of music (obviously the longer examples take longer to download). The magazine is designed so that if you lower the PDF and choose from the menu on the top bar: See: Page Display: Two in one, can read and display two pages on a single screen.

would be very grateful to those who help us to release this publication among surfers interested.

will soon be able to access the magazine, from anywhere in the world, even from the Portal Conmúsica:


Fidel Pablo Guerrero

conmusica @

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The Hall of Luis Alberto Valencia: Remember me

albeit belatedly, the result of daily occupations, we proceed to put on our blog this hall we were requested by Pablo Iturralde Barba.

agreements da-te me

Luis A. Valencia in his youth. Col. Sound Archive.

Luis Alberto Valencia "The Potolo" was a natural singer, great condition. His voice was considered one of the most beautiful music popular in the region saw. In addition to label recorded many works for solo-Ecuadorian music and above all as part of Duo Benitez Valencia was also a composer and appreciated several musical pieces, among them we note: Remember me (corridor), Those eyes (corridor) and Wood Green (tune).

Duo Benitez Valencia in a radial Audicon.

Remember me the pa-si-ma-ment of greater po-pu-la-ri-tion the "Po-to-the" Va-len-tion (Quito, 1918-1970). Valencia joined between 1940 and 1970, the most important duo of the twentieth century: Duo Be-ní-tez-Va-len-tion, vocal group that ended with the death of Valencia. Is-te-si-pa ment of SU-pli-ca-for-ma with the corpus of pa-si-opments can-tion. Tie-ne in their in-tro-duc-tion is-a-tion Auditors ar-MO-ni-ca-visual inu (so-it al-gu-us-si-pa Llosa the pre-sen-so) of I de-gree (lam) at II7 (B7). It was recorded in the voice of the composer. Dar

click on image to view and print large:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Best Tie With Greysuit


2011, International Year of Chemistry ... Green (Against the syndrome of "no use")

often are cautioned rightly against the familiar syndrome of "boiled frog" (or "nothing happens"), we does remain insensitive to apparent "small changes" ... that accumulate to create a serious situation of irreversible collapse if we do not react in time. The fight against climate change climate and, more generally, against the current situation of planetary emergency, in this syndrome is one of the worst obstacles, it is therefore necessary to insist again and again against the liability arising.

spoken much less, however, another syndrome of opposite but equally negative effects. could call the syndrome of "no use" or, worse, "can not do anything" . It's a feeling that we are assaulted each time addressing the serious problems facing humanity, our actions, our efforts do not give the desired result. We are mobilized in 2009, for example, pressure on political leaders in order to reach the necessary Copenhagen fair and binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gases and the result was disappointing. No wonder many bitterly exclaim "can not do anything." And the small steps, such as those achieved in Cancun next year, are as far as necessary, re-affirm "no avail".

Is it really so? Do not be happening as in the case of the boiled frog syndrome, but in reverse? Did not work with an insistent, unavailable to the "no good" that generated repeated failures, as was finally the ban on Freon destroying the ozone layer? One suspects that we are underestimating the "small" advances rather than continue to insist until achieving the required cumulative effect. Both

thinking here "nothing happens", as believing that the situation is so bad that "you can not do anything," lead to passivity and we can condemn the social and environmental collapse. Both syndromes have to be fought. But what does this have to do with the International Year of Chemistry? Some history, ie some perspective, will help us understand.

year 2005, launched the Decade of Education for a future and so stenible was also the International Year of Physics (IDA) , coinciding with the centennial of the call "Annus Mirabilis" in which Albert Einstein published several works that have profoundly influenced modern physics. The fundamental objective of the IDA was "bring science to society and motivate young people to build the next generation scientists ". Neither in its call or its development was reference to the decade or socio-environmental problems and the need and possibility of the contribution of physics to solve them.

Now six years after the convening of the International Year Chemistry (AIQ) , coinciding with the centenary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Marie Curie for their contributions to chemistry, has very different characteristics. It's not just a matter of "increasing public appreciation of chemistry as a key tool to meet the needs of society, to promote interest in chemistry among young people, and generate enthusiasm by the creative future of chemistry ". The commemoration is intended to "emphasize the chemical contribution to sustainability", ie "to solving global problems and essential humanity, such as climate change, food, water, health, energy transportation. "

Moreover, the call has been an occasion for self reflection, to appeal to the scientific community to an assumption of ethical responsibility involved in research, innovation and education in the field of chemistry. As stated Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, "The responsible development and rational use of chemistry are essential to meet the challenges of today: how to feed a population which increases each year, how to improve your health and how to develop sustainably. The International Year of Chemistry should provide us an opportunity to reflect deeply on these issues, "adding: " We have to relearn how to responsibly use the immense possibilities offered by the chemistry with the aim of preserving and life-changing for the common good. "

As we see, the differences between the International Year of Physics (2005) and the Chemistry (2011) reflect a significant change in the scientific community in regard to the focus on the emergency planet. This evolution is reflected in all the proposed green chemistry as a contribution to a truly sustainable development, a Green Economy , Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General has described as "The Great Machine green jobs boost is necessary and possible. Nothing

allow us then to continue saying "no good, you can not do anything." On the contrary, a minimal approach shows the validity of informed activism and the need to continue efforts as scientists, educators and citizens. The International Year of Chemistry " incorporate deserves the title of "Green." It deserves to culminate next December with the signing of the protocol in Durban for the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases already foreshadowed in Cancun. If we break with ignorance and indifference ("nothing happens") and discouragement ("no good") together we can achieve.


Educators for sustainability
Bulletin No. 61, February 24, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Globalization is an essential reference in the development of mankind, as it affects various areas of macroeconomic models, cultural, social. In this sense, we can say that human development in the context of university education is bound to suffer serious transformations in conjunction with the Information Technology and Communication, as he presents a series of challenges.

This Edition 9 is shared with the scientific knowledge production of prestigious national and international researchers saw fit, select REDHECS as a means of disseminating their knowledge. Thus, it addresses potential to reflect from research on the mechanisms that should be offered in universities as a place for discussion and transdisciplinary learning to change the perception that people have rights and human development processes in the context of globalization.

Therefore, the research done, exercised by teachers in universities in different latitudes, no doubt, contributes the aspirations of the communities in line with human rights as the main link in the chain of warranties that preserve the quality of people's lives, thanks to all welfare possibilities they offer. Within this broad spectrum, increasingly diversified education training their channels to the influence of the academy, heading to the formation of global identities in different contexts, for which flexible Proposals are affordable to different cultural settings, to changing the world of work, transmission knowledge through various educational areas in which training is confused with the accumulation of knowledge.

To achieve these objectives, there is the need for appropriate methodologies to the new realities of humanity that will enable the university educational system of nations, to overcome the cognitive mastery of disciplines, encouraging the acquisition and dissemination practical knowledge, skills, creativity also requires researchers to combine traditional knowledge of science with the emerging technologies in the world.

Source: Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacin