Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Paper To Use For An Arkham Horror

The Hall of Luis Alberto Valencia: Remember me

albeit belatedly, the result of daily occupations, we proceed to put on our blog this hall we were requested by Pablo Iturralde Barba.

agreements da-te me

Luis A. Valencia in his youth. Col. Sound Archive.

Luis Alberto Valencia "The Potolo" was a natural singer, great condition. His voice was considered one of the most beautiful music popular in the region saw. In addition to label recorded many works for solo-Ecuadorian music and above all as part of Duo Benitez Valencia was also a composer and appreciated several musical pieces, among them we note: Remember me (corridor), Those eyes (corridor) and Wood Green (tune).

Duo Benitez Valencia in a radial Audicon.

Remember me the pa-si-ma-ment of greater po-pu-la-ri-tion the "Po-to-the" Va-len-tion (Quito, 1918-1970). Valencia joined between 1940 and 1970, the most important duo of the twentieth century: Duo Be-nĂ­-tez-Va-len-tion, vocal group that ended with the death of Valencia. Is-te-si-pa ment of SU-pli-ca-for-ma with the corpus of pa-si-opments can-tion. Tie-ne in their in-tro-duc-tion is-a-tion Auditors ar-MO-ni-ca-visual inu (so-it al-gu-us-si-pa Llosa the pre-sen-so) of I de-gree (lam) at II7 (B7). It was recorded in the voice of the composer. Dar

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