Monday, December 14, 2009

Maytag Performa Washer Doesn't Spin

No more Frei

long time since I updated this blog, and is that really the work and other chores I have not had time to update it.
the election has passed and come new and better times for us Chile.Pero not rest on our laurels. The fight is just beginning and no end until the last vote is counted on January 17: A holiday delay or make sacrifices to travel that day as long again to fulfill our commitment to Chile and our children for a free Consultation Chile !!!.... not allow another 4 more years of ineptitude, corruption, inefficiency, nepotism. ...¡¡¡ not allow more deception, demagogy and false promises! ... 20 years that have been sufficient.

Concertación No more, No other government in Frei!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Imagine - Tattoo On Wrist

Latin America Award for this damn country

Between 4 and 16 October was held in Buenos Aires the 5th Latin American film festival FESTLATINO . Juror was appointed by the Film Critics Association of Argentina ACCA and awarded the prize for best documentary at this damned country.

In this link, the jury:

Members of the jury: Insaurralde Andrés, Beatriz Iacoviello and Nicholas E. Vázquez.
BEST PICTURE: OUR DUST Beatriz Flores Silva (UY)

BEST SHORT FILM: SAL throw him Sonia Bertotti (AR)
BEST ACTOR: Martin Pavlovsky by FISH HEAD
BEST ACTRESS: Ingrid Pelicori FISH HEAD by

This damned country has just been shown at the film festival Ecuador II Kunturñawi ( ) held in November in Riobamba, at the festival won a Mention as Best Production . The full prize list is at this link:

few weeks ago was the the 9th EXPOCINE in Cuenca ( ) as part of the documentary shows that this meeting took place in Ecuadorean film.

participate on 8 December at the African Film Week to be held in Esmeraldas.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How To Delete Facebook Login History On Mac

Lies: Everything lung

To lie have to be smart, take into account the consequences that continue to lie and anticipating; be , consistent with the statement and not to reveal the secret anybody. It is the silliest.'s All he did Susan Hoefken, Manager of the company in charge of performing in Peru exhibition "The Human Body. Real and fascinating "by inventing the theft of a lung of this sample.

It should poop on your head to think the way they thought Hoefken. Smeared the image of Peru worldwide. Said it was a shame that such an event has happened in Peru. Was not aware of this resulted, the severity of the event.

To start the fall of the castle of lies to put together, let's start some time. Although he was angry, he downplayed the fact he was saying sure that the "perpetrator of the theft" was someone who had no intention to market with the organ. Perhaps a young "butterfly" or a curious child wanting to show their friends the lung.

Another thing that was totally illogical, was that "the child's father who took over the national" Cell Susan called to say he Hoefken left lung in the parking lot. A question on how the child's father had the cell phone number of Miss? The smart thing would have been a pay phone call to a police oaa drafting a major media and communicate that (in the case of making the lie more believable.)

What they saw all was that Susan Hoefken did everything: reporting, investigation, negotiation and regained his lung. No one intervened. That's very suspicious, so the work of the PNP is laudable, because he continued investigating the incident and did not eat the whole story; performance that contrasted with news media that carried by the scoop not further investigated the situation and had only their first flat "theft of lung" and nothing else.

the lie is logical reaction of all Peruvians because our country was tainted to the world by one big stupid. Reporting to the Public Ministry for general misrepresentation and false accusation, Hoefken could receive up to 4 years of deprivation of liberty (jail).

Now the girl is untraceable. It was the summons that the police made on Friday. Therefore, the prosecutor of the Second Joint Provincial Prosecutor of La Molina, Milagros Mora, reported that the capture would be called catching, if not presented until next Tuesday to give his statement.

This is a fact that can not be so. You have to go to jail to pay what caused his little brain. This case in all, I think it's funny. What was going through your head? I really do not understand.

Capture order notes if Susan Hoefken not presented until Tuesday

Friday, October 9, 2009

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With this Congress what awaits us? Phenomenon of alienation

During this week the front pages of major newspapers in the capital were stolen , no doubt, by the Congress. The possible return to parliament and Tula Benites Elsa Canchaya, both outrageous irregularities in recruitment of staff, is the latest news.

For Tula Benites, it seems that the APRA is putting together a plot to bring about the return of the wildly congressman in 2007. Pelaez Bardales Attorney requested file your case, noting that the parliament has committed no crime, because, he said, lawmakers have no responsibility for the people they hire, but the Human Resources Management Congress.

The failure Fizcal Peláez Bardales adheres to the decision at first instance court of the 10 th Court Specializing in Criminal Court, Darío Palacios Dextre acquitted Juan Carlos Cuadros, used "ghost" that Benites hired under the same premise: no responsibility for the congressman in the recruitment of staff.

Palacios Pelaez Bardales and Dexter, have links APRA. According to reports from Peru 21, the former has family ties with APRA. His brothers are the legislator Eduardo Peláez and Council President Edmundo National Judicial Peláez, while the second has links with the militant Moises Tambini Valley and former militant, Cesar Vega Vega, President of the Superior Court of Lima.

The final case that could have Benites, differs widely with the sentence that was imposed to Congresswoman Elsa Canchaya, Standing by the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court. This makes it clear that those responsible for hiring staff are the same Congress. A precedent that I hope, as many Peruvians, serving to contain the apparent interference in the decisions of APRA of justice.

We have before us two cases that give us the freedom to say this, making clear that the evidence indicates that the two congressmen committed crime: Tula Benites is on the verge of returning to Congress, because it is APRA and Party People star in public places there is too much, while Elsa Canchaya, who does not have agreements to save their fraudulent conviction.

There is no doubt that the fururo we have with this Congress is uncertain. The inefficiency conceived by our "Founding Fathers" is tremendous. Are far from becoming a support for the country. Reach the Chamber, for them is a way to earn easy money. Working for Peru, not in their plans.

Reviews for Elsa Canchaya Case

Friday, September 18, 2009

How Clean Plastic Comb

Note on the documentary in a news portal

The news portal has left this note on this damn country

Ecuador Documentary "This damn country"
international film festival runs Thursday
, September 10, 2009

The documentary "This damn country" Juan Martín Cueva continues its tour of film events in Latin America and Europe. The film has been selected by three international festivals that take place in September and October, and was part of programming "is made in Ecuador Film "at the Cinematheque de Montevideo (Uruguay) and the Cinema Heritage Festival, organized by the National Institute of Cultural Heritage in Riobamba. In late September will be screened as part of the film shows the 9th Conference on Migration will be done in Ecuador.

In the coming weeks documentary Ecuador-Brazil co-production has been invited to participate in the Official Selections Cinemaissí, Latin American film festival in Finland and Itinéraires (images and realities of Latin America) in Belgium, and will scheduled in Buenos Aires as part of the seventh Festlatino, where it competes with documentary filmmakers from Chile, Argentina and Uruguay.

programming in Finland entitled "People in Motion" and focuses on the ways of migration, identity and democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Involved with this film productions Ecuadorian Bolivian, Peruvian, Brazilian, Argentine, Chilean, Panamanian, Venezuelan, Colombian and Mexican.

Moreover, the new documentary project of Juan Martín Cueva, "Long time and short time," was awarded the CNCINE to a relief fund to screenwriting. Before starting this project Cave is producing a documentary for the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights APDH on the border zone Ecuador-Colombia, with the same core team that worked on "This damn country" photographer Francois "Coco" Laso and soundman León Felipe Troy. The edition will be in charge of Victor Arregui and the premiere is scheduled for November.

"This damn country" is produced by Otra Cosa Productions, that was in charge of the latest movie Arregui (When my turn based on a novel by Alfredo Noriega) and is preparing a new production of same director, entitled "facilitator", to be shot in Quito and several rural areas of the highlands of Ecuador in early 2010 in co-production with Brazil. / Culture Intense

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sibutraminain English

blog des-edges in

Note on this damn country in the interesting blog des-edges

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pokemon Gsc Differences

About This damn country in the blog of Patrick Burbano

On "This (damn) country"
Published July 1, 2009

A few days ago, Juan Martín Cueva documentary received the news that part of the title of his documentary "This damned country" would censudaro by EcuadorTV (public television Ecuador). The reason: because that the word "damn" could hurt susceptibility (...). I wonder how long it will managing a very conservative policy on public television? This is not the first time you do something similar. Some time ago, exhibited the short "Pie," from director Javier Andrade, without even asking permission, and censored over the "bad words." Then, an article that the writer Lucrecia Maldonado wrote about it:

There are things that have to censor. The morbidity. The stupidity. Pornography on time for all age groups. Sadistic violence in idem. The crime reports without reflection. Can not let certain things (not so much ideas, procedures, aberrations, these sides extremely dark and disturbing of the human condition) moved there, shamelessly showing to people who perhaps are not ready to confront them with maturity and discretion.

But from there to become Torquemadas of microorganisms that can occur around a large gap. Personally, I support that law applies in cases such as news spread based on assumptions that may ultimately lead to social unrest and easily lead to chaos. So unless you call attention or reconvenga firmly.

But when serial blasts as "The Simpsons" or self-censorship when exercised without opinion, if I stay thinking for a while how the regulation of the media, rather, what we see and hear through them, has meaning and social function aimed towards the common good and not as a way to satisfy individual whims, partisan or moralizing platitudes of cheaper and creeping.

For example, the public channel Ecuador TV documentary presents Juan Martín Cueva "This damn country." But decide to 'amputate' the adjective. Why? What is the criterion that operates in the 'selection' language? Has anyone asked the author of the documentary if he agreed with the change? Is more ... Someone asked the author why it was that adjective there, what role, how important is that one word in the name of the documentary?

Surely not. Somebody read the word 'damn', the equating and Disqualification and insult ... scissors, soon, urgent! To make matters worse, the adjective was calling the sacred word 'country'. And then, well, we passed the film, we support the national cinema, the notorious 'talent' national and breathe in peace because while we are defending the sacred concept of 'country' sneak attack of the adjective 'damn'. In years of college is learning (should learn) to read between the lines. It should come to understand that in the connotative language is a very serious sin address the words and expressions from linear meaning without attending to the semantic nuances and variations. 'Cursed', in that case, is a word that hides anger, disappointment, but also love and desire to change what ails us as a society and individuals. Is it so hard to understand? Who should draw you an explanation that should be unnecessary? How do you handle something as big as the dissemination of cultural expressions of a country with a child Manichean approach that have terrorized from the womb with the possibility of the most excruciating tortures of hell if you sneeze in a church? First of all, I think the key is to open your mind and leave out the strainers that have suddenly begun to operate indiscriminately in this damn country.

1 Response to About This (damn)
country Juan Secaira July 3, 2009 at 8:14 PM
totally absurd censorship. Absolutely, it is an artistic creation. Although it mean damn, damn, or even something worse. As stated by Lucrecia Maldonado in the first part of the article, censure is not the answer. Again, although mean damn just that what? if it is a creation of the author, a personal view of a phenomenon. So read and are crap (literal meaning) and is not intended as art must ser.Cuántos authors have had a stormy relaciñón with its soil, with themselves, with their environment, and have not been victims of this. And Lima, the horrible how she will wise acá.Si sensors for the film, I have not seen yet, has anger and love, as well. If only rage or just love, too. and if it is, artistically, a native puteada the corner, then perfecto.mejor as an old national comedy said: let us pod. Greetings

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Salon Interview Thank Yous

Pasto Montevideo and stumble on stumble

"In Ecuador, is cinema" is called the sample of the Film of Montevideo, is projected "This Damn Country" on Friday 14 August 18, 19h30 and 21h. ( )

In Pasto in the 4th international festival starts on Tuesday 18:
will be "Sarah Scarecrow" by Jorge Vivanco, "Memoria de Quito" by Mauricio Velasco and "This damn country" Juan Martín Cueva, and a short sample of awards at Latitude Zero.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

2nd Birthday Invitation Poems

De Mauro

About mutilation of the title "The damn country "on public TV Ecuadorian César Ricaurte a note appeared in the newspaper today of the July 8, 2009.

tripping tripping in

By César Ricaurte

TV critic is not the first time Ecuador to TV and independent film Ecuador have trouble. A few months ago and there was a controversy over emissions from some movies without proper permission of the authors, mutilation and even complaints about claims by the courts in the credits.

So unfortunately This happened over a week ago with the documentary This damn country of Juan Martín Cueva is the absurdity of a long penultimate succession of them. For those who still do not know, Ecuador TV decided to issue the work under its title censored to reduce it to this country. What's going on in Ecuador TV? Why can not start as a true public television project? At most are content with a "we are less bad than the other channels" and "we have programming for children." Which inevitably know very little. Let's review more, this Sunday, RTU relaying live images of the attempted return of Manuel Zelaya in Tegucigalpa, provided by Telesur and CNN in English. Ecuador What happened to TV? Issued as an entertainment program. The problem, as always, is not on the sheets. The thing is born without a plan Ecuador TV. He was born without a functioning status that would guarantee freedom of management, legal clarity, independent editorial line this year, things have deteriorated rather than improved. Instead of meeting the criterion of respect for a work and its author was serving a morality so limited that it considers inappropriate a word like "damn."

Time GMT: 08/Julio/2009 - 5:02

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Blueprints On A Fishing Boat?

Cerbino: "Public Inquisition"

Taken from the print edition of The Telegraph of July 5, 2009

public Inquisition

Mauro Cerbino

from bad to worse. Not only is there a serious discussion about the meanings of public television into the medium and in the country, but also strengthens a position that public television is to exercise control over the content being broadcast. This control is not even like the attitude of the "politically correct" any discussion becomes apathetic. Is more in the nature of censorship in the style of those perpetrated by regimes that are of a moral fanaticism north to take discriminatory decisions that violate the principles of equity smallest. Outrage

is what gives me the EcuadorTV learned that having a communication project that many have opted to "clean up" the swamp existing television for 40 years, censoring content that it considers not in keeping with its "institutional politics." I refer to the amputation (a term that gives shudder) the title of the documentary by Juan Martín Cueva this damned country that was reduced to "This Country."

And what are the arguments? Managers refer to decisions made by an ineffable programming committee has the duty to enforce the standard by which "can not submit titles or content which offend the susceptibility, beliefs, idiosyncrasies and values \u200b\u200bof the audience. " Go trick! The members of this committee have an idea (not knowledge) very strange about the "audience" (named after acquiring the meaning of a uniform and compact mass), because they think it would affect the "bad words" or would offend images of naked bodies. These advocates of "public morality", a term that recalls the worst attitudes inquisitorial, arrogate to themselves the right to define in advance what may or may not see the helpless and infantilized viewers when, less hypocrisy, might wonder if is possible mutilation films of what they claim is "beyond the rating we can give them, arouse interest and encourage reflection on some subject of a public nature. It is impossible not to relate these censures the mutilations and concealment that the Catholic Church has done in the past (and present) in different works. The veils in the paintings or the amputation of the male organ of the sculptures are a notorious example.

do not want a TV as well. Confusing common interest with moralizing. With the pretext of safeguarding the viewers (who do not know) falls into the same errors committed by private means hiding behind in an "editorial" content does not discriminate "convenient." The program committee and the directors of the channel is more involved in renewing languages \u200b\u200band aesthetics television, promoting plurality accepting expressions of those who never spoke in the media, to promote greater and more diverse generation of content themselves and not canned acquired Miami fairs that come with the letterhead "for public media." That left alone the contents of works of fiction that we do need to think about the country, whatever, which we define as we wish, without censorship.

Cesearian Section With Anemia

New press article ...

... on the TV Public reflection Zuck Santiago Rosero appeared today in The Telegraph.

Taken from the print edition of July 4, 2009
of the public, little

Santiago Rosero

In talks Culture and Social Transformation on that developed last week in the FLACSO and USFQ participated, among other speakers, the Venezuelan sociologist Tulio Hernandez and the American academic George Yudice.
Landing today in our context, Yudice said that in an ideal scenario the closure of a television channel to serve as a catapult into space to replace the closed include locally produced content and choice, understood this as an opening to the plurality of information, the incentive independent production and the generation of a movement of divergent ways that are promoted with canned openings rating thirsty.
This, Tulio Hernandez countered by arguing that in Venezuela, following the closure of Radio Caracas Television, according to research by the Institute of Communication Studies, the inclusion of content premises in the new channel had decreased by 50%.
Yudice said that the statement was not a guarantee per se but a condition of possibility. It was that or the eternal clash with private means above all assess the economic potential of media products, but by no means a definitive guarantee.
The condition of possibility, in its development than rely on a technology platform available, would have to be encouraged by the design of a policy which set out policy frameworks that promote and protect local production and alternative, where the alternative should be directed to a dispute over space and construction of meanings rather than alternating with, or worse than a continuation of the establishment.
While Ecuador's TV is not the case of a canal that came to replace one closed, it is-or at least well conceived in the ideal, the effort to install the country's public television . However, the foundation of the public in order to promote local production and to enhance the visibility of individuals, processes and discourses traditionally excluded, far from being achieved much in its management. And only that the notion of the public lacks strength but old vices as arbitrary censorship have begun to settle into their grills program. Happened to Ecuadorian filmmakers work: the short Pia Javier Andrade, apart from having passed without their permission, we will cut off the "bad words" and recently, the documentary This damn country, Juan Martín Cueva, he curtailed the adjective.
disrespect involving the alteration of a copyright work without his consent, there ECTV in the conduct of the more worrisome signs: the interference of a morality that seems to ingratiate susceptibility to any public that they have defined. The questions: Who or what will answer that moral censorship and restricts? "On behalf of the channel who speaks? What public means public broadcaster's editorial line?
As things stand, according to the bet Yudice, the condition of possibility for the public involves a dynamic contents from prudish morality in TVET is to balance negative.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

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this (damn) country in this damned country

Taken from the print edition of The Daily Telegraph of June 30, 2009

This [damn] country

Lucrecia Maldonado

There are things that have to censor. The morbidity. The stupidity. Pornography on time for all age groups. Sadistic violence in idem. The crime reports without reflection. Can not let certain things (not so much ideas, procedures, aberrations, these extremely dark and disturbing side of the human condition) moved there, shamelessly showing to people who may not ready to confront them with maturity and discretion. But

there to become Torquemadas of microorganisms that can occur around a large gap. Personally, I support that law applies in cases such as news spread based on assumptions that may ultimately lead to social unrest and easily lead to chaos. So unless you call attention or reconvenga firmly.

But when serial blasts as "The Simpsons" or self-censorship when exercised without opinion, yes I am thinking a while how the regulation of the media, rather, what we see and hear through them, has meaning and social function aimed towards the common good and not as a way to satisfy whims individual party or the moralizing platitudes cheaper and creeping.

"In that case, 'damn' is a word that hides anger, disappointment, but also love ..."
For example, the public channel Ecuador TV documentary presents Juan Martín Cueva "This damn country." But decide to 'amputate' the adjective. Why? What is the criterion that operates in the 'selection' language? Has anyone asked the author of the documentary if he agreed with the change? Moreover ... Someone asked the author why it was that adjective there, what role, how important is that one word in the name of the documentary?

Surely not. Somebody read the word 'damn', the equating and Disqualification and insult ... scissors, soon, urgent! To make matters worse, the adjective was calling the sacred word 'country'. And then, well, we passed the film, we support the national cinema, the notorious 'talent' national and breathe in peace because while we are defending the sacred concept of 'country' sneak attack of the adjective 'damn'. In years of college is learning (should learn) to read between the lines. It should come to understand connotative language that is a very serious sin to address the words and expressions from linear meaning without attending to the semantic nuances and variations. 'Cursed', in that case, is a word that hides anger, disappointment, but also love and desire to change what ails us as a society and individuals. Is it so hard to understand? Who should draw you an explanation that should be unnecessary? How do you handle something as big as the dissemination of cultural expressions of a country with the Manichean approach a child who has terrorized him from the womb with the possibility of the most excruciating tortures of hell if you sneeze in a church? First of all, I think the key is to open your mind and leave out the strainers that have suddenly begun to operate indiscriminately in this damn country.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis

this damned country was screened on Thursday, June 11 in theaters VERDI, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bas part of the second festival CINECUANON . Many films

Ecuadorian part of this exhibition, including a complete retrospective of the work of Sebastian Cordero , including rats, mice and robbers , Chronicles, and his documentary Viteri, a self .

fictions also projects These are not penalties of Anahi Hoeneisen and Daniel Andrade , When I touch myself of Victor Arregui, and How Far of Tania Hermida (which in those days earned an award in Austria:
In documentary, Why die cast brown of Tito Molina, Baltazar Ushka, frozen time of José Antonio and Igor Guaysamín , Alfaro Vive Carajo, sleep chaos of Isabel Davalos, blow by blow of Galo Betancourt , Goerge Febres, of Orlando Ivo Huahua, among others.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Card Games Using 2 Decks


Projections in Quito, Guayaquil and Manta
20 to May 31, 2009
(Film House of Culture)
OF 20 As of May 24
17h00 and 19h30
FILM Ochoymedio
(La Floresta and Tumbaco)
FROM 22 TO 31 MAY 2009

Film Schedule Detail Ochoymedio
La Floresta
From Friday 22 to Sunday 24 21h15
Monday 25 and Tuesday 26, 19.00
Wednesday 27, 6:30 1
Thursday 28 and Friday 29, 19:00
Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 , 21h15
Ventura Mall Tumbaco
Tuesday 26, 19.00
Friday 29, 20h00
Saturday 30 and Sunday 31, 17.00

Film Maacah Guayaquil
Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28, 19h10
Maacah Film Manta
From Thursday 28 to Saturday 30, 19.30

a space for dialogue DIRECTOR SCHOOL
SPECTATOR Ochoymedio
Tumbaco (Ventura Mall)
Tuesday 26 May at 19h00

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What Is The Best Adhesive For Stainless Steel Interview

Star Written by James
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Juan Martin Cueva and "damned country"

The yellow, blue and red painted on a wall, this icon spend all anonymous people, Indians, blacks, mestizos, great, guys. Pass all with a name and a card that identifies you, but when in Ecuador are talking about us, do not know exactly what we mean. So Juan Martín Cueva raises the subject of his documentary film
THIS DAMN COUNTRY , which premiered at the Film festival EDOC and in the coming days will be in theaters.

talked with this high a filmmaker, painted a gringo, a refugee in his glasses to turn to each question, to give context to enable us to better understand their perspective on this country in northern South America, this cursed country that is building.

How did materialize and the movie? Initially
this damned country was a project a bit scattered, had no title or anything. I had some ideas but are not able to structure in a single project. Instead there is a call in the Latin American television in ten countries in each country to make a documentary a documentary essay about the characteristics of each population. I took advantage of that to "recycle" some ideas I had and put you in the format they requested. That result is a version 52 of this same film, but when we were editing in Brazil, a year ago, we saw with the producers, editors and friends was a shame to cut both the material to be had. Finally fulfilled that commitment of 52 minutes, but it worked this new material, the film that is going on these days because I waited to release it in the EDOC.

Will the film a tour of the country?
Actually this film was the reverse of the usual treatment, as has happened in several cities, but would not release yet in Quito. He was in Guayaquil, Cuenca, Riobamba and out at various festivals.

"About the characters, how they selected?
were various characters that were left out, not because they are ill or because the interview have not been good, but because, unlike fiction, the documentary is in the issue where the meaning is armed, although there is a stroke, many things can happen to reach the issue. Two characters who are in the film were not provided in the least. Hector Flores, the native of Cotacachi, married to the Japanese was not planned, I had an idea because he knew, but did not know I was going to give and actually stopped there on his way to Chota, to see what happened. Eventually people will like what they bring these characters.
I must confess I never took the bull by the horns Concerning the issue that some characters were familiar and all. At some point if I thought about and wondered what to do. Here in Ecuador, if one would go to Jorge Enrique Adoum, knows who he is, but outside is different, the reception is different. Outside few connoisseurs who know literature Jorge Enrique Adoum, and hardly anyone knows who Tibán Lourdes, or Jaime Guevara Jaime Enrique Aymara. In Brazil, I passed a girl who saw the film said how nice the old man talking, wise, and I said this is one of the leading intellectuals of Ecuador. Same happened with Lourdes Tibán. Then the ratio of the film with the audience is different and so I decided to leave at the end of all these characters, the same level.

What are the arguments you made this damned country in terms of Ecuadorian identity?
For my documentary raises a number of questions and therefore did not want to establish an argument for some form of thinking or describe the Ecuadorians. What we ask is questions that appear as indisputable truths, but I still have my doubts. The idea of \u200b\u200bidentity based on three or four things: diversity but as an empty statement and limited to ethnicity, the issue of national symbols in this kind of nationalism or patriotism a bit empty but basically all that I see a lot of insecurity, not just what it is Ecuador after a very short time of existence, less than 200 years, but as a set of diverse populations that do not necessarily believe in a very harmonious relationship between them. In Cuenca I say someone, for example, "all good, cool, diversity, but do you have to see this fag with the issue of identity in Ecuador." That tells you that there is an approach to the notion of identity only from ethnic, that is cool to have Indian, black, white boys, who have immigrants, but what is about a homosexual in that?, When he described: Quito father, mother riobambeña, urban middle class, Quito, mestizo, and I think that there are fundamental elements of our way of being. No more arguments in the film, but questions, I wanted to put a number of issues on the table for discussion, but also wanted to do a thesis in anthropology. I read the critique of the Xavier Andrade, the catalog of EDOC, several documentaries Ecuadorians, and I find very interesting. I'm very open to criticism, but I think you can not read a document as read a thesis in anthropology.

this damned country, the name alone sells ...
The truth is that the title was set intentionally. I do not think it easy to attract mass audiences to cinemas to watch a documentary about what is to be Ecuadorian. I think it is a subject that may repel some people, then the title is intended to attract and running. It is a title that attracts you or you question why you put that title?, But manages to attract attention.
In a U.S. festival organizer wrote me and said, cool, select it, come on, but I asked have you thought about changing the title? That also happens.

What will go after this movie, come the beautiful country?
I think the beautiful country is in the documentary. I'm into other projects. I have no overwhelming expectation with this film, if successful and people will see it and generate discussion, cool, but do not pretend to be a blockbuster, no documentary Ecuador has been, and even for national fiction films difficult. You face a circuit that is designed, made, constituted for other movies. So better to circulate, as stated by Pocho Alvarez (with respect to his documentary OPEN, RIGHT MINE), the more you play, pirate and circulate, the better. I personally think this and many documentaries that are in the EDOC should be the subject of interest by, for example, public television.
Now I really am with a couple of new projects. I want to make a documentary, my staff and other things that I have outstanding.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bmi Average For A Woman

two other texts about the film documentary Two criticisms

Again is written in the press and other media about this damn country ... this time are Catalina Leon in The Telegraph on 12 May, and Claudia Reyes from Chile. Here

stories and identities
Catalina León.

Who and how we Ecuadorians? Juan Martin Cueva wonders in his latest documentary This damn country. They slide on the screen faces and testimonies plural backgrounds, different phenotypes, seeds of people everywhere: the Far East, eastern and western Mediterranean, heirs to the love of black and Indian, gay, descendants of indigenous peoples, intellectual dark skin that break the stereotype of the wise grizzled, male and inescapably European. We see the English-native mixture, which is inconceivable without the Ecuadorian, and we see compatriots in the diaspora in pursuit of the dream that was denied by this country, the stepmother-to-drag.

The polychrome captured by the Cave sensitivity far from the monotony that until recently inculcated the official discourse, reducing the Europeanization Ecuadorian shade "white-mestizo." The other, the "blacks", Indians and many other phenotypic and cultural mixtures, whose names were banned, occupied a quiet corner in the stories written, visual and audio of the nation. Thus, the Ecuadorian nation emerged with a story severed on a multitude of sons and daughters of the wind.

"The Ecuadorians have different thermal effects: of the forest, ocean magnetism ... "
I was moved by the response to the longstanding question Cueva. The Ecuador grows with every color of the human, with stories of grief and generosity and love that overcomes the distance, with intentions to defeat the target and prisons, with the magic of the music vibrate in our people, between the marimba and Bach. Stories that grow in the jungle, at sea, in the wilderness, in the flourishing banks of our Coast. The Ecuadorian, then looks and says in many ways, dismisses many flavors, brings to the surface the most diverse feel: the forest, valleys and mountains and ocean magnetism, of all which makes Ecuador an amazing country. Ecuadorians are all that, says John Martin, a Babel of dreams and frustrations, injustices, ways of experiencing life. A Babel it hurts: This damn country! How do you melt it all in one pot? And how do you explain, then, extreme poverty and ostentation, conformity and economic exile of millions, the diaspora of the orphans?

occurs to me - or I suggested Cave? - Our wounds will heal only when we recognize our diverse heritage, "impure" and shining with her when joy is a possibility to everyone and everyone has the right to pride, the memory of their ancestral voices, their bodies, when no one is ashamed of the sound of their mother tongue.

Cave This work is unsettling, unexpected, and no definitive answers, a tribute to its author brings to everyone. The work will be released very soon, "Encounters of the Other Cinema", the reflective film that seeks the keys to the public and to transcend and invent new ways of being democratic nation.

This Damn Country, a documentary by Juan Martín Cueva
Claudia Reyes García

If man is language as suggested by Maturana, this damned country is a poem of humanism.
The film for me still has to do with the ritual of going to a room to watch the chosen movie, hopefully on a Sunday afternoon and the afternoon of film waiting in a cafe or a bar. Rarely, as it is, dust off my DVD and insert a CD. I do it because the film's director was a friend of adolescence in this "damned country." Because it has been kind and generous to send me a copy of their work. Because the past is in some way and as expressed in this damned country, the only real thing we have, although rarely try to resist the stigma of living ourselves and the people.

I've read some reviews about this film, all very good, lacking "buts", absent from "notwithstanding" and free of "however". Adjetivizadas far more than substantive, that is overflowing with praise. This background bothers me, what if I disagree, if I find arguments against the trend of applause and honors rendered? I'd catch the necessary good manners to say colloquially, "to cool your document, luck and thank you."

I see this damned country not once but twice. The first is both a deep enjoyment as a great relief. Is an excellent documentary and my fortune, I share with all who see him-is intensely literary. From this premise, I can dwell in abundance starting on its own interpretation of the title. Damn, as an adjective rather than substantive, it ceases to be a blasphemy and love becomes a runaway, a question that will reveal himself and gaining immediate effect. Juan Martin Cave has produced a succession of short stories, performed by the protagonists themselves, there are no actors in the classic sense. His film is well crafted, sound and simple but charming enough and photography.

The question, giving to others the task, I think is the matrix the plot. The search for the answer to the question "what about the Ecuadorian" is always present, however, stories are woven, not away from that storyline, new spaces open to the excitement.

not list people - because there are no characters mock-ups but spontaneous testimonies-that make up a perfect bunch of different identities, cultures, histories, origins, miscegenation, which lights give an overall view, not in the sense of response to what it means to be Ecuadorian, but each in its independence, race, time, color, contributes to a position, often antagonistic including their own search and / or acceptance of their origin and identity.

As messengers, in a succession of relay colorful face of costumes, from indigenous to black, interspersed by immigrants, not to generalize but its relatively unique history, call for the viewer to assemble your own puzzle.

There is a harmony between the open spaces, outdoor shots, and closed locations, also between the times published for each of the players invited to participate in this production. In this way we observe the democratic spirit of Juan Martín Cueva reflected in his work. As its literary mark.
share and I join the standing ovation and the honors lavished him read the comments.

I understand, and even envy, this search for a sense of belonging to a story, to a territory, from the most diverse cultural and racial variables. I loved (and love) deep that damn country, of my fucking teens-full of variables, contradictions, landscapes and identities. Relieve them, remember them, put them in value, build a place of charm and reflection, with all or almost all its nuances, its contradictions and expose them in an excellent audiovisual work, time, dialogue, inflection, photography and, of course, poetry is extremely significant not only for those trying to define what it means be Ecuadorian, and in that effort have gone from the deepest roots to the heartfelt despair, if not for the spectators beyond its limits, that without the task of searching among the children of the sun our origins, we can enjoy free from all distress, or caught up in it, so beautiful human poetry of this damned country. Claudia Reyes García

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Northampton County Prison Mirsa Case

Two texts This damn country: one of a very nice Chilean journalist I met during the film festival Another of Valparaiso, in January, the other a text newspaper The other film , the Encounters of the Other Cinema as part of its eighth edition. The analysis is Alejo Casares and documentary concerns two Ecuadorians present at this festival: This damn country and Alpachaca of Jorge Luis Narvaez .

By Juan Francisco Castell

"All we ever wanted to not be Ecuadorians", this phrase ends off Quito documentary filmmaker Juan Martín Cueva.

Ecuador was the guest at the third version Film Festival on Human Rights, held in mid-January in Valparaiso, and "This Damn Country" the director said, the highlight of the meeting.

As a good festival in the making, it retains many of that spontaneity which is then miss the events with the highest level of production. It's simple, discreet friendship with rough and hard. Aperrado as we say colloquially. And the result is commendable. There are people from several Latin American countries and the supply of "movies" as called by the guild to the films, is quite comprehensive and of good standard.

course, I am in Valparaiso in something like an "official business" in the task of finding some honorable that you want to refer to the bill creating the Ministry of Environment. An order always complicated, but in January definitely unrealistic.

Resigned to failure of management, in a cafe in the port comes into my hands a small booklet that promotes III Film Festival on Human Rights. Leo in his comprehensive proposal also includes environmental documentaries online. I think I will not be attending empty handed and some audiovisual theme I do not feel bad, especially because they rarely sail on those routes.

The truth is that the environment can not find anything. However, the titles in theaters, "This Damn Country "is captivating, I presume that is the story of a damned poet step by half the world. Or a terrifying story that occurred in the Amazon rainforest. And much speculated about, because I'm in the former School of Theatre, University of Valparaiso. A luxury place. The theaters cinemas are those that generate nostalgia. I reflect on the sad, and series, cultural infrastructure of today versus those originals and fine old spaces.

In the lobby of the University, are members of the festival as a whole. The organizer, Nelson, a very nice guy, surrounded by his colleagues, all with no air left renewed, say left more well. There is gender parity and it was not overlooked the diverse beauty of several actresses and filmmakers, representing the best of their countries of origin.

is out there wondering if a certain Juan Martin Cave, I say that as I read was the director of the Festival's guest country, Ecuador, and noted that I am a journalist. Quito documentarian, looks French or English, any other forum participants had more pint of Ecuadorian forgiven prejudice, that tall guy with the face of intellectual and forties.

I commented that I come to see the documentary because I was struck by the title, I say in passing that I am neophyte made in audiovisual materials, I am dedicated to environmental issues, he replies that environmentalism is the least I can know. There is a discussion, it is a very pleasant chat, the skinny is pretty simple and interesting dialogue, though it is clear that he and his film are the bells and whistles of the meeting. We insist

reference to name and tell him my disquisitions on French poets damned, cursed generation Ecuadorian writers that also something I read, but it says nothing to do, entitled This damn country because Names are important and should be jurors. I think intelligent response, however, look for a chair that allows me to flee if its more than two hours of documentary too. I'd rather disappear before falling asleep in the middle of the projection.

The public adds more room than expected, are all participants in the festival and many people, and several spontaneous like me. Fortunately, I have no escape, no one moves even in their seats, this damn country, from beginning to end has a rhythm that catches it, the 127 minutes seem to fly in the diversity of stories that are intertwined. Remnants of yesterday, searching for identity, acceptance and denial, mixtures of love and distrust. Hybridizations that are not recorded in the books. Find very aesthetic imagery and luminous testimony and direct.

The script seems simple, but the plot is not. Is a sequence of characters, each representing one of the many oddities that are, or should be, overall, the Ecuadorian identity. Underlying the proposal that Ecuador is a multicultural country and the idea that all expressions must be recognized. I would say this is the paradigm, or rather the bet that exposes the film.

The characters seem drawn from castings, but are not, their testimony seems eminent work of scriptwriters, it is not so. The trappings as seductive as the stories are authentic. There are stories of black people to Arabs, interspersed individual members of indigenous groups, and crossbreeding of emergency as a young Indian with a Japanese woman. I conclude there are no characters here but people who explain their history and identity in first person, this role gives the director himself, while subtly emerges a remarkable job of research.

Contrasts are on the edge. It's interesting how they can share and rhyme in the same proposal, a Palestinian immigrant playing a piano, siútico to the utmost, with a humble and wise black-Resembling a Hollywood super-production with unusual force summing their origins.

This damn country within two hours flying realize, through its people, a country colorful, diverse, with many ethnicities and cultures, which are distributed in a rather small territory and have to live together and build a common history.

off phrase "all we ever wanted to not be Ecuadorians" has nothing to do with a rejection, but rather a complicated question, "What does being Ecuadorian? To feel sons and brothers from and diversity?
reflection not easy, on which Juan Martín Cueva gave some lights in a brief, acclaimed conference. I thought to intervene to congratulate him and tell him that his documentary was a wonderful reflection on the human environment, but I remembered that I know nothing about movies.

Two ways to address the issue of identity
For Alejo S. Casares

The complexity of the human being has always overcome its own limits, to question itself. And its origins, to discover the truth and use their results as the beginning of a new way forward. This year, the EDOC account in its programming with two documentaries that delve into the nature of our country, they try to answer the eternal "Who we are "without fear or compromise: This damn country and Alpachaca Juan Martín Cueva, Land Bridge Jorge Luis Narvaez. Both arrive preceded his well-deserved reputation, as the former was made to represent Ecuador in the series The American, Brazilian television, while the second was awarded the San Miguel Augusto, 2007 in the Documentary Feature category.

How complicated is to define the Ecuadorean? It may seem difficult, given the diversity typical of a country where mixing and migration for a long time, not been given its rightful place large portions of the population. Cave knows and part precisely from there. With a judicious selection of characters to include and Jorgenrique Tibán Adoum Lourdes, This damn country is unveiling the imagination of a people made up of many people, a collage of stories covered in political, artistic, romantic or simply the need for survival , leading inexorably to the viewer to recognize and feel a stranger at a time.

The camera enters a home, check out the past and questions about our future as smiles start with the same ease with which people planting questions we reflected on the screen. This damn country makes it clear that being Ecuador is not the same in each region, because an Ecuadorean says 'we' does not refer to the same as the rest of their compatriots. Failed "then the attempt to define a country and a sense of belonging of its people? No, definitely and absolutely not. The differences of any kind that shows the film are the perfect reflection of true nature of our people.

Alpachaca ... is a documentary that deals with one group of people, so it addresses the question of identity from another point of view. The black of the Chota is presented from a historical perspective, with dates and facts, indisputable facts of a past which were slaves when slavery was abolished, and when I really started to be free. All this paves the way to the present, when the strength of the race is expressed in the history of political dissatisfaction of Aida Espinosa, while on the other side is heard a claim to the rest of Ecuador for remembering the Valle del Chota only when one of their children score a goal in the selection.

Alpachaca Bridge seems to be the union of the stories of the various worlds through which passes the community of Chota, a natural opposition between persons engaged in work, music and sport, and those forced to resort to crime to survive. The socket is opened and the field of vision extends to the whole province. It is the ideal time to present more of that rich land, its customs, its present, its needs, the rest of their people and their ways of coexistence with those who inhabit the Valle del Chota.

After face the problem of identity, whether of our whole country or a forgotten segment, often leading from the front pages in the sports pages of newspapers, we are ready to give our own answers to the questions that served as the engine to the directors for the realization of his films. Each will devise their own feelings of belonging to the homeland.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nonprofit Accounting Software Inexpensive

The poster is ready! This

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jumping Jack Trailers For Sale

Ecuador Country

25 Chicago Latino Film Festival
April 17-29, 2009

21/04/2009, 7pm

28/04/2009, 9pm
Cinematheque (1517 W. Fullerton Ave, Chicago, IL 60,614)

This bloody country

This Rotten Country Director

Juan Martín Cueva

Franςois Laso

This Documentary Embrace the Challenge to discover the Identity of Ecuadorians and Asks: Who is Ecuadorian? Being Ecuadorian What does mean? Jorge Enrique Adoum does not know the answer being the son of a Lebanese father and Ecuadorian mother. Lourdes Tiban also does not know the answer as she considers herself a mestiza or an Ecuadorian of mixed races. Considered the Mozart of the marimba “Papa Roncon” reveals he was taught melodies by the indigenous and not the Africans. Colorful subjects share their stories of origin and express what it means for them to be considered Ecuadorian.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Awesome Online Games Wikipedia

Rotten Films in Ta

El Festival Internacional de Cine OTHER MEETINGS OF CINEMA Documentary (EDOC) is celebrating its eighth year in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca from 7 to 24 May.

In its eighth year, as every year, the EDOC have the section called: HOW THEY SEE, HOW TO SEE. This will include films and documentaries Ecuador from other latitudes to have a look at the year Ecuador.Este showcase the long and short documentaries following Ecuadorian



Sunday, March 29, 2009

Free Std Clinic Tucson

EDOC prokleta Zemlja in BELDOCS

Thus known said This damn country Serbian: Ta prokleta Zemlja ... Sounds good, right?
No, I got into the Serbian course, leaving the Kichwa: what happens is that selected This damn country in the festival BELDOCS 2009.

My documentary, which opens here in Pichincha in EDOCS then stays in theaters in Ochoymedio and Sala Alfredo Pareja of the CCE and the Film MAAC Guayaquil and Manta, be well accompanied by Daj goal Earn ! Felipe Terán ... Ta
prokleta Zemlja section PARTICIPATE IN FOCUS ON SOUTH AMERICA and Small projects in the Auditory of DKSG (which also will be) on April 12, the day of Santa Ana of the Four Rivers, at 19 hours.

Advise all family members and friends who are in Belgrade, ta?

BELDOCS 2009. Beldocs
festival (7-13 April 2009, Belgrade, Serbia) have a website # / movies / revial \u200b\u200b
This section will display the following documentary :
This damn country (Juan Martín Cueva, Ecuador / Brazil)
Mete Gol Earn (Felipe Teran, Ecuador),
fight Secrets (Maiana Bidegain, France - Uruguay), American
(Carlos Ferrand, Peru, Canada).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Barbie Themed Sweet 16

Two notes on the display in NY New option

Hi Juan Martin
Yesterday was a full theater, people sat in the bleachers and floor for the amount of such competition.
People were very satisfied with the film and had positive comments. Porai came three monkeys that were felt to represent missing, but Buee ....
wanted to thank you for letting us show your film, made a good combination with Traficombo ... Especially since the situation of local news in NYC much news out racial crimes against Ecuador ... Gabriel Greetings


I saw the doc in Queens, as part of a film festival in Ecuador. The audience was mostly Ecuadorian and I say that out very happy. I was struck by the transformation of the public with the movie. At first she heard giggling while the characters were appearing, but gradually the public acholado that was taking care and above all respect for the characters. Then I talked to some people and all spoke highly of the movie and felt very proud of their "damned country", including myself. Thanks for that doc loving and respectful and congratulations! Christian

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bcm 400 Extension Programming


Help us determine the best possible poster for the premiere.

designer Aurelio Valdez has proposed several options, this is what we like ... think? They would see this movie?

These are the two other choices ... Littlest put them in because I like less, but there are. All designs are Aurelio Valdez.

What Are The Symtoms Of Chlamydia In The Mouth

Before: The place where the poles meet

A documentary film by Juan Martín Cueva

Reflection on utopias and disappointments of a generation in the form of a letter shot of a father to his children. Joachim and Amalia are two children born in Paris, and yet his mother tongue is English and his grandparents are all in Latin America ...

What are the ties that bind Latin America, what historical events have fueled the family history, what causes determined the fate of their families, their participation at key moments in the history of Chile, Cuba, Nicaragua and Ecuador?

In "The place where meet the poles "is woven an attempt to answer these questions from the family complicity with an account of the last forty years in Latin America and a personal reflection on the commitment, identity and displacement.

Documentary, 53 minutes, Ecuador / France / Belgium 2002
Written and directed by Juan Martín Cueva
Photo Ivan Keller, JP Polo, Victor Arregui, Germain Valverde.
Alex Rodriguez Omar Perez Sound
Music Frédéric
Mainçon Production Manager Teresa Pierce, Ardèche Images Production
Executive Producer Jean-Marie Barbe, AIP
Distribution Riguet Stéphan, sriguet @

- Prize of the 4th Festival de Cine Pobre, Mexico, 2005
- Condor Earth, the best film award, Latin American Film Festival and Video South Realities, Bogotá, Colombia, 2004.
- Best Screenplay, 10th Latin American Festival Rosario, Argentina, 2003
- Best Video Documentary, 9th International Film Festival Valdivia, Chile, 2002
- Award Brouillon d'un rêve "of the SCAM, France, for the development of the project ( Award for the script, before production), 2000.
- Movie Opening of the Fourth Exhibition of Documentary Film and Social "The Southern Image", Córdoba, Spain, September 2006.

Festivals in which participants:.
Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival, LALIFF, USA, 2002
New York Latino Film Festival, LaCinemaFe, USA, 2002
Docúpolis, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain, 2002 (official selection) Documentary Shows
IV Bogotá, Colombia, 2002
Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana, Cuba, 2002
International Documentary Festival in Santiago de Chile, FIDOCS, Chile, 2002
Festival Latin American Cinema in Brussels, "movie", Belgium, 2002
Permanent Latin American Film Festival of San Salvador, El Salvador, 2002
International Film Festival Valdivia, Chile, 2002
South to South Film, Concepción, Chile, 2002 Original Versions
Festival, Luss, France, 2002
1st Encounters of the Other Cinema, Ecuador, 2002
IV Ibero-American Cinema Display, Quito, Ecuador, 2002
Chicago International Documentary Film Festival, USA, 2003 Film Festival
Development, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain, 2003 Latin American Video Shows
, Managua, Nicaragua, 2003
Cambridge Latino Film Festival, USA, 2003
Docúpolis, Barcelona , Spain, 2003 (Section Migration)
Latin American Video Festival of Rosario, Argentina, September 2003
Icaro Festival of Latin American production, Guatemala, 2003
Young Latin American Film Festival in Castellon, Spain, 2003
Chicago Latino Film Festival, 2004
"Against the silence, all voices, Mexico, 2004
Latin American Festival Film and Video South-realities, Bogotá, Colombia, 2004
International Film Festival Bogota, Colombia, 2004

More about this documentary and the documentary short "Mariners" (1997): http:// / videoteca_cinememoria.pdf