Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Difference In Basketball Today

Ecuador and Cuba

A short story of Fidel

Fidel Pablo Guerrero Gutiérrez

Fidel and Che Guevara are two Mountains Contemporary History, which can be seen clearly by his revolutionary stature as a living example, in one case, and as imaginary in the other, of resistance and independence. His actions and his political thought are recognized in Latin America and the African continent as a foundation for the liberation of peoples.

Illustration of Ernesto "Che" Guevara based on the famous photo by Alberto Diaz (Korda).

The Island of Cuba is surrounded by irrational blockade for more than half a century by an imperialist power, which prevents their development at all costs, and yet has managed to put in a very short time at the forefront of education, science, health and sport in our countries, all of which Cuba will always have an appreciation and respect of decent men, free and positive.

That the U.S. intelligence agencies, the most powerful criminal in the world, have tried, without success, to end the Cuban revolution and even kill one of its key leaders have only made the greatness of the people and that of a man whose image is projected into the world like a giant. On the huge

Fidel, my father wrote children-maybe for my grandchildren, "a story of those who had a minute to read them some afternoon:

Fidel Castro.

Giant Fidelón
by: Gonzalo Guerrero Celi

When Fidel Castro lived
I also lived. He
his way in Havana
I on this earth, in my opinion.

This, this was like a giant Monstro,
As these are discovered
In large excavations: Millions of years
had. Such human

not die for nothing,
Neither the CIA could kill him,
were tired of trying.

And I, I had it in the day,
At night, every moment, walking shadow
To all the spaces;
I spoke, I was teaching, I said
struggle with the poor ... This is

did ... I can die happy
to have known about
This Story Mountain. My grandchildren will envy

Grandfather lived

At the same time the mountain revolutionary

At the same time that the giant Fidelón.

do not know if this short story was a pretext to include these scores or the scores led to include this story, who knows ...

The first work that we will transcribe a piano pasodoble entitled Ecuador and Cuba have composer whose only their initials: ALC may date from the twenties of the twentieth century.

(Dar click on the scores to view and print large)

Ecuador did A Cuban National Anthem and also courtesy
of our friend the researcher Carlos Freire, who gave us a digital copy, we present the Cuban National Anthem , which was composed around 1871 by the musician Cuenca Ascencio Guideline (XIX .- ca. 1917). The cover of this score brings the following information:

Cuban national anthem, dedicated on the recommendation of Mr. Coronel first Chief of the Artillery Brigade Juan Avila Mr. José Feliz Luque, Honorable Minister of the Republic of Ecuador Peru, victorious in the glorious day of Callao 1866.Guayaquil May 2, May 1, 1871. By Professor Ascencio Guideline. Printed by Aug. Cranz, Hamburg.

(Dar Click on to view and print scores big)

There are reports that this song has come to formalize, but it certainly is a historical document the process of the national anthem and independence of the Cuban island.

Cuban National Anthem
Standard Ascencio

salute the Cuban people and raise their sacred banner
Sea and free, sovereign also
Destroying the audacious oppressor.

After centuries of cruel captivity
Finally the Ibero smashes Cuba, will break

expensive chain free nation which rose

His banner flutters spotless
That Cuban nobles proud to be sovereign
No more, say no more oppression.

not dismayed, O Cuba, in the fight
incessantly fighting the tyrant and the voice
dilate your soil In the roar of cannon.

And after humiliating the Ibero
Your warriors human forgive
That chest only
Americans cherish mercy and forgiveness.

Ecuador and Cuba now
on Cuba-Ecuador relations today we can say that doctors, artists and teachers from decades, have lent their quota for free in music programs, and scientific literacy as a contribution to the Ecuadorian people, in this moment, several doctors are visiting hundreds of families with disabled people, providing direct medical aid.

is also true that there are unhappy, what I can vouch for I live in a suburb of Quito called La Florida (many say, by way of grace, that Cubans were wrong and they really wanted to go to Miami Florida ) where many Cubans have been established in order to move to the United States after the American dream. " I've heard tell these people, when they arrived, how be dazzled when you enter the supermarket, also dazzled by the lavish houses and luxury cars available to a small social group and other wonders sumptuary dazzled by capitalism, many speak against Fidel and gossip to be organizing anti-communist front. The truth is that in most cases, printing is just a flash that temporarily blinds and turns off when in our country have to live how they live crammed into small rooms, misunderstood because they belong to another culture, adapting to a different climates, struggling to fit in wearing the latest fashion and above all looking for life on a dollar for dollar means even hostile portal work with them and unworthy to their expectations. Certainly some of these people are prepared, hardworking and an arrogance that comes to annoy some of our countrymen, but must acknowledge, even unhappy, that everything that I learned in revolutionary Cuba, where it does not lower his head against the enemy is so close and is considered the most powerful country on Earth (but which have generally beaten the smaller countries like Vietnam and did so bravely faced as Cuba).

Fidel in Quito. Photo file Celi Gonzalo Guerrero. 60's.

If Quito Light was declared the nineteenth-century America, Cuba is the Light of Contemporary America, the fact that Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Bolivia and other countries have decided to take socialist destinations today, is because the struggle and revolutionary thought-that seeks to eliminate social inequalities that were capitalized in the twentieth century in Latin America, have had their right ... History will tell.

Cuba will . In the Eighties - the collection of Peter Pino-label heard this song sung by Milanes and Silvio Rodriguez Nicola; recently been expended on youtube and even a new version more rock.

Fidel in Quito with the President at the time, Velasco Ibarra. Photo file Celi Gonzalo Guerrero. 60's.

To close this paper include the score and an excellent audio rumba written by composer manabita Moreira Constantino Mendoza (Portoviejo, 1898-1985), entitled Cuba.
(Dar click on play)

Sheet Cuba Rumba / Constantino Mendoza


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