Finally .. . and is the site of CONMÚSICA

MUSIC WEB PORTAL ECUADOR: ecuadorconmusica.com
Dear friends
Cordial greetings from Quito-Ecuador in South America. From Friday 26 November 2010 has been made available public portal Ecuadorian Corporation CONMUSICA musicology under the name of http://www.ecuadorconmusica.com/ . This space is the work of the members of CONMUSICA, who have managed their own resources to investigate and collect many music materials that have occurred in our country, which have been digitized, organized and placed on a web page that can be used with unique educational and research purposes: the portal, it is specified, will not, under any circumstances, for commercial purposes. are expected later supported by a cultural organization, if this is possible, "which will develop best way work that aims to become an important virtual space for knowledge of Ecuadorian music in the cyber network.
http://www.ecuadorconmusica.com/ has several sections: the musical Journal Ecuador EDO to important articles about music, history and research. In this issue include work on the Independence of Ecuador and music, the action of the Italian musicians at the National Conservatory of Music, on the Ecuadorian national music and speeches; review of the composer Juan Agustín Guerrero; and brings also a valuable contribution from Merida, Venezuela, the daughter of composer Leonardo Paez (author of the Tuna Quito, Queen and Mrs and twelve Mass among others), Ximena Paez, compilation gives us an article on the work of the prestigious musician. The magazine can hear audio and view artwork and scores. Other researchers and composers have collaborated in this issue the American John Walker, John Mullen Sandoval, Cesar Santos, Eugenio Auz and Harold Wilson.
Portal also brings a virtual library of great value, with documents ranging from colonial times to our days. The Virtual Library: Proceedings of the Ecuadorian Music is organized into 16 racks of historical items, scores, audio, graphics, literary writings on aesthetics, nationalism, politics, etc.. The site must be researchers, educators and all those who want to know the historical references in our music. Also
has created a resource directory in order present music that musicians to showcase their activities, services and products offered from the creation, interpretation, arrays, classes at home, recording, survey scores, etc. This site also allows access to videos, audio and graphic material.
later be included as part of the portal, the Encyclopedia of Music Ecuador with more than four thousand pages of research information on composers, authors, genres, instruments and musical terminology of our country.
The Portal will be emissions tested and subject to change until January next year when it will make its official launch. Thus the Ecuadorian Corporation CONMÚSICA musicology, which has more than two decades, contributing to the research in our nation, is present in a practical way in local and global context with a committed work with the Ecuadorian music.
This site is dedicated mainly to the popular sector (although in principle is only a dedication for the poor do not always have access to computer sources): afros, local peasants, Indians and mestizos, even so, deprived of material goods are the creators of our rich musical culture and who through their efforts have raised this country. Also social activists who give their life to change the dire conditions of inequality that we have historically experienced. A youth Ecuadorian music and who seek generally our musical and cultural institutions they say it does not exist, or if there is no documentation, records and sheet music. A contemporary musicians to know their past and the traditional musicians who know contemporary proposals. Ecuadorian Migrants may find a haven for anguish of musical communication with sound recorded in their memories. At the musicians of other nationalities who want to spread the music Ecuadorian cultural proposals. And, baby, our families who have borne the brunt of these achievements, often at the cost of disarming the poor resources and opportunities family housing.
If we can create an intercultural door, where a thought can be spread against inequality and cultural imperialism and for peace, nature and music, will have served our effort. If our action, the youth of today and tomorrow can be better and happier than us then our work will be really worthwhile.
Fidel Pablo Guerrero Gutiérrez
Director of the Ecuadorian Corporation
To enter the portal to click on: http://www.ecuadorconmusica.com/
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