Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gropeing In The Bus And Trains

Fraud Frei Bid with forceps


Members of the Alliance: "The application Frei is a forceps"

Christian parliamentarians and Patricio Melero Monckeberg noted that the proclamation of the DC as the candidate of PS is a symptom of "the disintegration of the coalition."
SANTIAGO .- The RN deputy Monckeberg Cristián said today that "who proclaimed Frei government officials were only looking to keep their jobs as a place" and that true socialists disagree with this nomination.

For his part, said Patricio Melero proof that socialism does not conform with the appointment of Eduardo Frei is that "every week up a new Socialist candidate, so this is an application that you want to get forceps forward "(from Indeed the more radical socialist, as the case of mayonnaise Altamirano and others, and proclaimed as a presidential candidate Arrate).

Following a forecast of what would be an eventual government of former President DC, told MPs that "Frei brings the worst of the Concertación" (Note from the Author of this Blog: Frequently remember the "little trips "An alien who performed with his wife and a huge entourage .... all at the expense of the national treasury scandal Copeva houses, the" davilazo "drain frontage of the CAS and other herbs .... everything good that happened during his administration) , because, they argued, "Frei is a candidate old who answered the country with more crime and unemployment, even pardoned drug dealers. "

For both figures from the National Renewal, the most striking is that Frei" leave your heart of Christian humanism to make the paw Socialists to vote for him. "

Regarding Frei disqualified against Sebastian Pinera, Monckeberg defended him saying that" what Chile needs a new President is not one to take us back to year 94 and came out of his government with less than 26% of support. "
This link goes to the" memory ".


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