Friday, January 23, 2009

Omntarioi Vacant Houseionsurance

In recent days we have witnessed the culmination of the largest media campaign in recent years .... comparable only image manipulation, media and crowds, Party Campaign Nazi Germany that led to Adolf Hitler to power.

Apart from this they are similar, the cases of Obama and Hitler?, Well ... Hitler received a Germany in a difficult economic situation and Obama received a United States also in a difficult situation económica.Hitler promised 'change' people during his campaign and Obama too. His campaign has sold to the public as a provider of 'hope'. But these products are 'soft' and intangible assets that are only in a well 'promising future not in the now ... and a future as promising as some coalition Joy of political parties promised a country that is a thin and narrow strip of land .... but the latter is another story .. . so let the case.

Barack Obama is a provider 'of hope' (in Chile ... sell the POMA) because their teachers want people accept what they are now in the hope that good times do what Barack vendrán.Sólo requires change and inspire him to expect that this will lead all to the Promised Land. This does not happen ... but when you realize that it is too late. What terrifies the manipulators is that people will abandon hope, as a future one day and start demanding fairness, justice and freedom now. To avoid this nightmare they have to keep those desires as something to aspire to, not having really. So, your man, Obama, sell 'hope' as a diversion technique, a position of possession, keeping the masses to rebel realmente.Las masses say, "We have no work, no food on the table and our house has been extinguished the right to redeem, but at least we 'hope'."

Obama's campaign was massively financed, and based on the magic word for a rainy day = "change." This is an effective technique, because the system ensures that most people are not happy with the lifestyle they have. Thus, when you do not like the status quo, 'change' can be a powerful message, so even if voters do not really know or understand what this really means. Hope for what? "Change what? Does it create what? Answering those questions with concrete data have been fatal to the request for Obama.El group of words' hope 'change' and 'believe' mean (mean) in the context of the game from the mind of Obama and his followers, which the voters decide that they mean (mean) or wants them to mean (meaning). The idea is for the voter projected everything he had to put in it and then he becomes the symbol of the voter and how it sees the world. There is no more powerful way to manipulate people to say what they want to hear and remain silent about what they do not want to hear

Vendors like collecting experts in conversation customer what they like and disguta, and respond accordingly in the way that the product is sold. Obama would be like a salesman but a macroscopic scale because it has a network of advisers and experienced supervisors in the 'art of manipulating minds, opinions and actions. "

Obama's speeches are a mass of techniques of mind control and Neuro Linguistic Programming, carefully constructed to introduce beliefs and perceptions in the mind of the beholder. The whole Obama circus is an exercise in mass mind control and has been so successful because so many people live their lives in a permanent state of trance.Obama is much more dangerous than Bush because he can sell the ointment for those who are in a trance while Bush could do the same. Bush was an idiot with no clear communication skills needed massive fraud at the polls to 'decide' officially. He could never be the figurehead to inspire a mass movement of people to support some 'hope' or 'change'. But Obama clearly can, because he has that ability to hypnotize masas.Uno of Obamania objectives were young (as Hitler did in his day) ... is more dangerous than Bush, because although promised troop withdrawal in Iraq, it has asked other countries to increase their troops in Afganistán.En a speech in July 2008, said his desire was to have a National Security Force as powerful as the Marines, Navy and Air Force (and why the Democrats have generally done their criticism of excessive military spending! !) also said he would be willing to bomb Pakistan and to use military force against Iran that would be building nuclear weapons. Obama is not peace or freedom. He is a demagogue of figurehead for the same force which controlled the Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter, to the infinite.


HILLARY CLINTON: First Lady Formerly brand U.S. and the world's most famous horned during the administration of her husband Bill "fornicator" and "mandala to bomb" Clinton until Senator recently by Democrats in the district of New York, and now brand new Secretary of State Robert

"mandala to bomb" GATES: Formerly Bush's defense secretary

Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter , and co-founder, with David Rockefeller.Brzezinski has admitted in public that he began to fund and train what they now call "terrorists" in Afghanistan to oppose the Soviet-controlled government as in the capital, Kabul, in late 1970. The idea, he said, was to lure the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan to protect the Kabul regime and thus give the rival superpower 'their Vietnam'. The plan worked at the expense of a million Afghan lives during the Soviet occupation from 1979 to 1989, a result that Brzezinski does not worry about anything. 'The freedom fighters would Brzezinski is known as' Mujahideen 'and later the Taliban and what is claimed to be' Al - Qaeda. " This is the man behind the 'peace' Barack Obama. It is common knowledge that President Carter would not do anything involving foreign policy without the benefit of Brzezinski. This is one of many great ironies of the Obama presidency that it requires massive troop reinforcements to be sent to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban terrorists were at first armed, trained and organized by Brzezinski, the man behind Obama. Polish-born Brzezinski has a fierce hatred of Russia and is still one of its key objectives, together with China.Y if they are the targets of Brzezinski, they are the targets of Obama. .
Obama and his handlers seasoned network professionals, their 'campaign team' sold the lie that he had refused to take the funding 'lobbyists', those who pay to ensure that politicians vote or veto laws in the interests of their clientes.Pero like everything that surrounds Obama, past and present, this is a sleight of hand and mouth. They funneled huge sums of money in the accounts of Obama by law firms representing the lobbyists. This provided a "plausible denial" about the funding of lobbyists while the money flowed in racks via third parties.
George Soros, Brzezinski multimultimillonario partner and closely involved with the financing and marketing of Obama. Soros is a former member Electronic board of Illuminati Council on Foreign Relations and funds the European Council on Foreign Extranjeras.Las techniques Soros / Brzezinski estñan reflected in the 'revolution' Obama in the United States. This was the complex and secretive network of Soros foundations and organizations connected to the intelligence agencies of the U.S. and Israel, who trained and funded students in the Ukraine, Georgia and elsewhere in the arts and mass protests overthrow of governments. These protests made were sold to the world as revolutions 'of peoples', but sóloresultó that when they were finished and the old regime was removed the new leaders were those waiting in the wings from the beginning - the puppet of Soros, Brzezinski and asociadas.Obama networks is one more of the same, a big smile with strings attached, and completely controlled by the Illuminati network that elected him, trained him, he sold and provided campaign funding.
Adolph Paul Volker (Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group), the head {head} of the Federal Reserve from 1979 until 1987. Obama has addressed the Economic Recovery Advisory Council, which is dominated by insiders, including its staff director and chief economist, Austan Goolsbee, a final member of Obama's University of Chicago. Goolsbee is to launch the infamous Illuminati Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, which also includes Boy and Father Bush. It was Goolsbee said the Canadian government not to worry about Obama's attacks against the effects of FTAs \u200b\u200bwith Canada, because his words were only win votes in the election campaign.
Another person on Wall Street, the Zionist Timothy Geithner, was appointed by Obama to be his Treasury Secretary. Geithner was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and he is a former employee of both the Council on Foreign Relations as Partner of Henry Kissinger. The Treasury team Obama closes the circle Zionist interior about Robert Rubin, Director and Senior Advisor to Citigroup, the co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations, and an economic adviser to Obama. Rubin was the man behind Citigroup's strategy to expand its risk in debt markets that forced the company to be bailed out by the money contribuyentes.La same people who caused the financial crisis is being designated by Obama.Rubin was Secretary of Treasury Bill Clinton and was followed in that post by Larry Summers - another insider designated the team of 'Change' is a supporter of Obama.Summers fan 'of free trade' and 'globalization' and he wrote a note in 1991, while was the World Bank's chief economist, said the bank would dump toxic waste in poor countries because the costs of illness and death would be lower. When the note was made public, the then-Secretary of Environment of Brazil, Jose Lutzenburger, Summers said: "Your reasoning is perfectly logical but totally insane ... His thoughts provide a concrete example of reductionist thinking, social ruthlessness and the arrogant ignorance of many 'mainstream economists about the nature of the world in which we live ... If the World Bank keeps you as vice president it will lose all credibility. To me this would confirm what I often said ... the best thing that could happen to the World Bank would disappear. 'Lutzenburger was fired shortly after writing this letter while the horrific Summers was appointed Secretary of the Treasury for Bill Clinton and now he has been appointed to head the National Economic Council by Mr.' change, 'wait' and 'believe' Obama. It's all a fairy tale.
(to be continued ...)


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