Monday, January 26, 2009

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Obama Fraud ( Part II) Obama

Joe Biden (Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations): passionate Zionist who makes a virtue of saying that he will support Israel in all circunstancias.Ha been appointed as vice president Obama
Rahm Emanuel
: Zionist appointed Obama and his Chief of Staff, is the son of Benjamin M. Emanuel, who was a member of the cruel Zionist organization, Irgun who helped to bomb and terrorize the Palestinians, during the rise of the State of Israel, Emanuel was designated by Bill Clinton to the directory of mortgage giant Freddie Mac in 2000 and during this period there was a stream of scandals and irregularities financieras.Entre other things this person has had contact with Rob Blajoevich Illinois governor and a member of Obama's character arrested in December 2008 by a conspiracy involving corruption and influence peddling to sell seat of Senator Obama as the Chicago left vacant by his candidacy president.
Dennis Ross: Appointed by Obama to be his "advisor" for Middle East Policy .(¡¡¡ Go help the Palestinians who have!) Ross also served in the administrations of Father Bill Clinton George Bush. (Was this the "Change" Obama proclaimed both?).
David Axelrod: Another Zionist, and a terrorist of the 60 who participated in the Obama campaign (he was the narrator and his campaign brain) and no doubt will be very influential in the administration of Obama.Axelrod is a veteran of Chicago politics, one of the most corrupt political systems in the world and he worked for many Chicago mayors in 1990 and in the Obama Senate campaign in 2004. Obama goes to Chicago crowd and gives them key positions of national power and influence. And these guys do not take prisoners.
should be noted that Obama has been in close association with terrorists , William Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn (who probably also have a benefit for their cooperation in the campaign). In the late sixties Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground terrorist organization called (also known as similar meteorologists and derivatives) and launched a bombing campaign of public places like the Pentagon and the Capitol. Three members were killed making bombs in Greenwich Village. In 1970, Ayers said he had described as his philosophy: "Kill all the rich. Break Up Their cars and apartments. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it really ... "Ayers came from a house of" rich people ".
In sum, Obama comes from the pit" black "corrupt Chicago politics, a place which does not skimp on using dirty tricks to get rival of competition in his bid for Senator, and above all Cabinet House, one must ask the question What will be the promised change?


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