Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sharking Sperm In Public

Learn by doing and should be fun

Understanding education by experience. Teachers explain what they think is important.
  • How many could pass the exam last year?
  • it is made of the old school but with a computer.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Japanese Straightening 2010 In Nyc

Do not go to war

manabita Composer Moreira Constantino Mendoza.

not go to war partner
United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland), USA, Italy and France are very interested in the invasion of Libya. Oil is the main reason they have these powers to develop the offensive. Armed incursions, sanctified by the UN (political tool created by the U.S. in World War II), through which now become legal wars with the alleged participation of all nations, however are the powers that dominate the world they decide. A country American did not even consult the actions carried out (hence it is mandatory to form a league of South American nations).

colonial powers persist in their quest for domination, which in modern times is basically three steps. First, create a fictitious support of some countries 'allies' and world opinion through a media blitz (for which CNN and other media employees serve as a bastion), then give an appearance of legality to the armed incursion, with the UN resolution in this case, and finally the war and occupation in which the benefits are distributed. If the U.S. did not manage to get resources Libyan oil, the resistance that may appear on the intervention, at least be left unused, another country destroyed and have it split, a strategy that the imperialists have always used to control the weaker nations.

Perhaps the time is right to disseminate the text of Hidrovo Horacio Velasquez, who was to music as tango by Ecuadorian composer Moreira Constantino Mendoza (1898-1985):

not go to war partner
Ecuador Tango
Horacio V., Constantino Mendoza
text, music

Get Involved in suburban tango
And listen while I'm dancing this song ... I

part not go to war partner,
not serve as bait to the ambition ...
not give away the strength of your arm,
Al rich is the same operator,
And if you want to fight for your cause is
For the sake of your release ...

Comrade Part II: The
preach war phonies
yesterday's oppressed will always respond to your cry
With the voice of the cannon shrapnel.
Brothers South and North.
also be reluctant to leave.
not go ahead
That fellow is not just die or kill.

Audio tango: not go to war partner / Constantino Mendoza. To listen to click on play and turn up the volume. If you do not hear the audio click in the following ditección:

Score: not go to war partner / Constantino Mendoza. Dar click on images to view and print big.

Doeas Abccess Always Hurt

companion magazine El Diablo Idle (EDO) No. 8

Magazine No. 8 (to click on the address below)

Dear Friends From the Middle

World (0 ° 0 '), where is located the Republic of Ecuador (South America) we do get a free 8 of the Ecuadorian music magazine EDO (El Diablo Idle). This version's soundtrack, so if you want to hear the musical examples included in the articles, should be connected to the internet and click on the purple circles contained in each piece of music (obviously the longer examples take longer to download). The magazine is designed so that if you lower the PDF and choose from the menu on the top bar: See: Page Display: Two in one, can read and display two pages on a single screen.

would be very grateful to those who help us to release this publication among surfers interested.

will soon be able to access the magazine, from anywhere in the world, even from the Portal Conmúsica:


Fidel Pablo Guerrero

conmusica @

What Paper To Use For An Arkham Horror

The Hall of Luis Alberto Valencia: Remember me

albeit belatedly, the result of daily occupations, we proceed to put on our blog this hall we were requested by Pablo Iturralde Barba.

agreements da-te me

Luis A. Valencia in his youth. Col. Sound Archive.

Luis Alberto Valencia "The Potolo" was a natural singer, great condition. His voice was considered one of the most beautiful music popular in the region saw. In addition to label recorded many works for solo-Ecuadorian music and above all as part of Duo Benitez Valencia was also a composer and appreciated several musical pieces, among them we note: Remember me (corridor), Those eyes (corridor) and Wood Green (tune).

Duo Benitez Valencia in a radial Audicon.

Remember me the pa-si-ma-ment of greater po-pu-la-ri-tion the "Po-to-the" Va-len-tion (Quito, 1918-1970). Valencia joined between 1940 and 1970, the most important duo of the twentieth century: Duo Be-ní-tez-Va-len-tion, vocal group that ended with the death of Valencia. Is-te-si-pa ment of SU-pli-ca-for-ma with the corpus of pa-si-opments can-tion. Tie-ne in their in-tro-duc-tion is-a-tion Auditors ar-MO-ni-ca-visual inu (so-it al-gu-us-si-pa Llosa the pre-sen-so) of I de-gree (lam) at II7 (B7). It was recorded in the voice of the composer. Dar

click on image to view and print large:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Best Tie With Greysuit


2011, International Year of Chemistry ... Green (Against the syndrome of "no use")

often are cautioned rightly against the familiar syndrome of "boiled frog" (or "nothing happens"), we does remain insensitive to apparent "small changes" ... that accumulate to create a serious situation of irreversible collapse if we do not react in time. The fight against climate change climate and, more generally, against the current situation of planetary emergency, in this syndrome is one of the worst obstacles, it is therefore necessary to insist again and again against the liability arising.

spoken much less, however, another syndrome of opposite but equally negative effects. could call the syndrome of "no use" or, worse, "can not do anything" . It's a feeling that we are assaulted each time addressing the serious problems facing humanity, our actions, our efforts do not give the desired result. We are mobilized in 2009, for example, pressure on political leaders in order to reach the necessary Copenhagen fair and binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gases and the result was disappointing. No wonder many bitterly exclaim "can not do anything." And the small steps, such as those achieved in Cancun next year, are as far as necessary, re-affirm "no avail".

Is it really so? Do not be happening as in the case of the boiled frog syndrome, but in reverse? Did not work with an insistent, unavailable to the "no good" that generated repeated failures, as was finally the ban on Freon destroying the ozone layer? One suspects that we are underestimating the "small" advances rather than continue to insist until achieving the required cumulative effect. Both

thinking here "nothing happens", as believing that the situation is so bad that "you can not do anything," lead to passivity and we can condemn the social and environmental collapse. Both syndromes have to be fought. But what does this have to do with the International Year of Chemistry? Some history, ie some perspective, will help us understand.

year 2005, launched the Decade of Education for a future and so stenible was also the International Year of Physics (IDA) , coinciding with the centennial of the call "Annus Mirabilis" in which Albert Einstein published several works that have profoundly influenced modern physics. The fundamental objective of the IDA was "bring science to society and motivate young people to build the next generation scientists ". Neither in its call or its development was reference to the decade or socio-environmental problems and the need and possibility of the contribution of physics to solve them.

Now six years after the convening of the International Year Chemistry (AIQ) , coinciding with the centenary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Marie Curie for their contributions to chemistry, has very different characteristics. It's not just a matter of "increasing public appreciation of chemistry as a key tool to meet the needs of society, to promote interest in chemistry among young people, and generate enthusiasm by the creative future of chemistry ". The commemoration is intended to "emphasize the chemical contribution to sustainability", ie "to solving global problems and essential humanity, such as climate change, food, water, health, energy transportation. "

Moreover, the call has been an occasion for self reflection, to appeal to the scientific community to an assumption of ethical responsibility involved in research, innovation and education in the field of chemistry. As stated Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, "The responsible development and rational use of chemistry are essential to meet the challenges of today: how to feed a population which increases each year, how to improve your health and how to develop sustainably. The International Year of Chemistry should provide us an opportunity to reflect deeply on these issues, "adding: " We have to relearn how to responsibly use the immense possibilities offered by the chemistry with the aim of preserving and life-changing for the common good. "

As we see, the differences between the International Year of Physics (2005) and the Chemistry (2011) reflect a significant change in the scientific community in regard to the focus on the emergency planet. This evolution is reflected in all the proposed green chemistry as a contribution to a truly sustainable development, a Green Economy , Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General has described as "The Great Machine green jobs boost is necessary and possible. Nothing

allow us then to continue saying "no good, you can not do anything." On the contrary, a minimal approach shows the validity of informed activism and the need to continue efforts as scientists, educators and citizens. The International Year of Chemistry " incorporate deserves the title of "Green." It deserves to culminate next December with the signing of the protocol in Durban for the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases already foreshadowed in Cancun. If we break with ignorance and indifference ("nothing happens") and discouragement ("no good") together we can achieve.


Educators for sustainability
Bulletin No. 61, February 24, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jet Ski Hire Businessforsale


Globalization is an essential reference in the development of mankind, as it affects various areas of macroeconomic models, cultural, social. In this sense, we can say that human development in the context of university education is bound to suffer serious transformations in conjunction with the Information Technology and Communication, as he presents a series of challenges.

This Edition 9 is shared with the scientific knowledge production of prestigious national and international researchers saw fit, select REDHECS as a means of disseminating their knowledge. Thus, it addresses potential to reflect from research on the mechanisms that should be offered in universities as a place for discussion and transdisciplinary learning to change the perception that people have rights and human development processes in the context of globalization.

Therefore, the research done, exercised by teachers in universities in different latitudes, no doubt, contributes the aspirations of the communities in line with human rights as the main link in the chain of warranties that preserve the quality of people's lives, thanks to all welfare possibilities they offer. Within this broad spectrum, increasingly diversified education training their channels to the influence of the academy, heading to the formation of global identities in different contexts, for which flexible Proposals are affordable to different cultural settings, to changing the world of work, transmission knowledge through various educational areas in which training is confused with the accumulation of knowledge.

To achieve these objectives, there is the need for appropriate methodologies to the new realities of humanity that will enable the university educational system of nations, to overcome the cognitive mastery of disciplines, encouraging the acquisition and dissemination practical knowledge, skills, creativity also requires researchers to combine traditional knowledge of science with the emerging technologies in the world.

Source: Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacin

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clever Things To Write In Wedding Book

The Moon and the Lunatics: musicology

The Moon and the Lunatics: musicology crazy

Fidel Pablo Guerrero

Those who "are [or are] on the moon" does not necessarily Selenite believe in, or transporting spacecraft to satellite source of inspiration. Their motives are metaphorical use as a resource for the unattainable, brilliant, mysterious, fantastic and romantic. So many artists have used this blue traveling companion, as a pretext in one of their literary and fictional. Between us and as far as music is concerned, there were also "moon creations" from which we can establish: Moonlight (corridor) of the musician Ruben Uquillas the text say belonged to the renowned poet Jorge Carrera Andrade; Night October 9th moon (hallway) by Carlos Chavez, Full Moon (typically air) by an anonymous author and executed by the Troveros Creole High walked the moon (sanjuanito) by Manuel Mantilla Cerón, Moonlight (waltz) by José I. Veintemilla In light of the moon (waltz) Nicholas Abelardo Guerra, Er on the moon montubio (gallop), among others.

montubio Er on the moon
Rodrigo Gonzalez Chavez Adaptation of Guayaquil musician Guido Garay

We are over the moon as er Jumping kangaroo
With Armstrong we are sure
in the lunar module.

True 'this pen
is very cold and desolate
But Aldrin and my machete
not afraid of this place.

Selene We're on baby step with the moon.
(From the manuscript score courtesy of researcher Wilman Ordóñez).

Sheet Er montubio on the moon. Dar click on image to view and print big.

Audio Er montubio on the moon. Dar click play and turn up the volume.

To reach the moon, sometimes transportation is required and for that we created the fabulous stories of ships and strange beings who travel in them and even it is said, have come to Third Earth to bring breakthroughs technology. It seems that the only people who came to negotiate with these beings extraterrrestress are the "gringos" because no, no contacts we have come to give us the technology, what else has come to us is the techno-cumbia , the degree of technology (?) that occur in musical institutions after 13 years of study and what it can be said that it is aliens, is that we have developed the technology to install the entire universe in a small garage, which is surprising to themselves as aliens. But ufologists maintain that everything is going to solve it as superior beings come and bring us more fabulous developments. If so we will soon be planting corn on the moon.

love on the moon. Promoting an F. Hall Paredes Herrera appeared in a newspaper Guayaquil in the 30's. Wilma Stock Granda.

Indeed, Americans are those who have had more abductions and close contacts of 1st, 2nd and 3rd kind (there are blondes Pentagon have close contact with up to 4 types). In July 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico, USA, is supposed to hit a flying saucer, these circumstances is considered the most important UFO event. Also speaking of the legendary Area 51 where they keep all extraterrestrial objects and information (as much as we have here are 51 areas without sewer and no information of roads).

Anyway musicians created futuristic versions of flying saucers and Martians love. Anglo is a musical piece that was translated into English and circulated in this country using the title of Marcianita , coming to occupy top of rock and roll .

In our country also think, musically, in flying saucers. In the capital, in February 1950 became a Creole version around flying objects that can contribute to the discussion of ufologists. The author the "King of the Parade" César Humberto Baquero:

The flying saucer
César Baquero, music and text

When we marry black
I'll take the blue sky
The latest ship
which hitherto was known.

not be surprised my brown
not believe me
is a talker modern ship:
The flying saucer.

On the Mars and Venus by the moon pass

For my love will never fail.

Our love will be like in the vast blue sky.
From the earth to see Like a little star

The sheet music of César Baquero: The flying saucer.
Scores The flying saucer. Dar click on images to enlarge and print.

Audio The flying saucer César Baquero. Dar click play and turn up the volume.

technological Apparently his text did not pass the duos and trios of an era and sweet-tinged be interested in this piece of music, to the extent that we have not found recorded, perhaps ran out recordings therefore we disclose your score, at least as an oddity that was doomed to oblivion [1] .

Other notable events linked to the same subject have inspired artists. The landing of man was an event unforgettable for those in the 60's never went to Woodstock and had enough conscience to worry about that feat, considered the greatest achievement of the twentieth century after the loss of the war in Vietnam, the creation of symbol pee and lov and marijuana as an alternative means of transportation into space. On July 20, 1969 the man set foot alien. Astronaut Neil Armstrong put his boot on the moon and said the historic words: "This is a small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." It looks like the joke that makes two-way Masons: "This is a small MA for a man, one giant ZON for humanity."

fabric is still in doubt whether Americans actually in the ruthless competition of the conquest of space between communists and capitalists, arrived or not to step on the satellite. Records were promoted much film on the subject. The wonder in the world was egregious, I remember that very young my father brought a scale paper model lunar module that came with a promotion, I think cigarette. Among the pictures and visual record of landing is the U.S. flags waving in the middle of the lunar soil, it is rare to say this is impossible because of the lack wind in areas of low gravity. Certainly the assumption is that since landing, never set foot on land again selenite and many scientists and skeptics believe was the greatest hoax of the twentieth century astrolunar.

anyway impressed by that epic cosmic cayambeño the amazing composer, Luis Humberto Salgado (1903-1977) created his Selene (whose name is also known to the moon, hence selenite .) This works for trio of woods: flute, oboe and English horn, established in Quito between 3 August and 24 August 1969, dedicated to the protagonists of the feat: Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins, consists of 3 movements: I. Item (Adagio ground) ; II. Lunar Landing (Andantino) ; III. Return (Adagio Quasi Andante).

Selene Audio (excerpt) / Luis Humberto Salgado.

If he had come to confirm that it was a trick film, in order to win the space race with the Russians and the evidence of the moon landing was faked, surely he had broken his temperamental Salgado work, although it would have been sufficient to change her name and instead of Selena Selene dubbed him, thereby unwittingly have paid tribute to the former singer tex mex.

Speaking of lunatics I remember the story of the "War of the Worlds," a radio program that caused a stir in Quito and its surroundings, in February 1949 and then was a tragedy: the burning of plants the "wild beasts" of Trade (although that would not be algunitos tragedy). Leonardo Paez was broadcaster, storyteller and musician. Páez was the creator of many popular pieces including the classic The tuna Quito (parade), and Mrs. Queen (parade) and Mass twelve (Albaz), and was a member of the great duo Villavicencio-Páez. He worked at Radio Quito and came to the Ecuadorian version of The War of The Worlds, whose base was a 1898 novel that was mounted in the U.S. and caused tremendous impact, as well as in the version of Quito, was led to believe that aliens invading and destroying the country.

In the radio stopped playing the duo Benítez-Valencia was playing to give a news flash: we were invading aliens. Gradually it was mentioned that moving through the city and they were in Alameda and that its passage there were only ashes. Many people actually thought it was an incursion of alien beings.

My mother told me that Pomasqui are warning bells sounded the event and there were moments of panic. When the shock passed and the listeners became aware of the deception decided to go after the cheaters. Shouting "Down with blankets" (owners of El Comercio and Radio Quito)-as we said one of the eyewitnesses, the singer Don Gonzalo Benitez, decided to set fire to the building. Several people died, including two musicians: the violinist Perfect Guayaquil and pianist Raul Alvarado Molestina, who worked in musical performances by the radio. Don Gonzalo pointed out that many musicians, actors who were on the ground radial saved by passages and attics risking dangerous to adjoining buildings, both he and the "Potolo" Valencia got out unharmed, with some bumps and bruises by the way in the heat intense and zinc and burned brick. Had also been a bass-and pointing-joked: "With this Manotas horny I had felt neither the heat of the bricks and climb and managed to save his life."

Figure conducted the same month of the fire. 1949. Compilation Fidel Pablo Guerrero.

Paez had to escape the angry mob and hide for a while, say that in some population of the province of Imbabura, where the parade compose Queen and Mrs ( precious Earth of Imbabura, Ecuador's most beautiful ... ). Then he settled permanently in Venezuela.

musician Carlos E. Murrieta, apparently shortly after he was released "War of the Worlds," to pass the scare, was a passage entitled Martians:

Hall Words and music: Carlos E. Murrieta

Martians arrived! My beautiful no-
are natural beings
Sensitive love
beings are hard-working, melodious voices
That "armed guitars
sing for you today! Authentic Martian

Smiling When we aim to death,
Smiling at how ...
Our attitude is not war, can never be
For beautiful eyes, the Glorious
is dying!

Martians came
That panic did not fester: We are ambassadors

In a gallant mission: Sing this
The inviting lobby
MARCIA, and return to Mars

cheering Ecuador.
(In: The mosquito , No. 3, volume 26, [ca. P. 9]. Guayaquil, 1949. Gift of our friend, journalist Hugo Delgado Cepeda Guayaquil).

Well ... with fictional alien war, with fire through or not, the fact is that crazy left us with the coup of September 30, apparently the police and other reactionary groups sought to celebrate the Day Ecuadorian Hall (October 1) with assassination and all, the acquittal of the prosecutor and his wife also left us without a screw, to no avail the toy car that led to the Assembly "El Loco" Velasco (Al "Paco" I mean, not José María); that's not counting the media owners are like crazy with the Communication Act and crazy are the Country Alliance ranks as some government acolytes will campaign for the No on the Consultation; politicking crazy things, perhaps for lack of radicalization and working with people and not "citizens", or perhaps because there are too infiltrates and opportunists: the problem of "leftism curuchupa" which is something alien, and, as crazy thing is they say they "El Loco" Abdullah (his own to tie). Sorry, but I have to interrupt the soli lochia because I have come to see the Sisters Moon and I have brought a triple sleeve shirt, they say that to give a concert at the Sanitarium ... my time in the quarter padding .

Quito, February 2010 (minor changes in 22 February 2011)
[1] text or letter was separate and not placed under the pattern, so that we have as we believe it could be.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Salon Interview Thank You Notes

I want to be Congressman Alan

I often see with disgust the work of our Founding Fathers. I feel sorry to see that after his eagerness to get to Congress, not the call to serve his country, but the concern blatant take advantage of his position.
This Congress is already going, let us "Mataperros", "comepollos", "planchacamisa", "lavapies", "robaluz", etc. And now to have another litter doors of congressmen who, undoubtedly, will have to talk (only candidates still do), feel sad again.
Someone has to put things in order. Someone has to let them know that the congressman is not a scoundrel who uses his position to make arrangements filthy, evade justice (immunity), stealing silver per diem, practice nepotism, to hiring ghost ... End if not list the crimes committed in their efforts.
After so much disappointment, round in my head the crazy idea of \u200b\u200bwanting to be a Congressman. Not to do what described above, but because I have the ideal to change much rot within that government agency. I want to be a congressman and teach all those drones who live in us, that Peru did not play.
is outrageous to see people who have been planned life-congress congress as having a secure job. There is little or nothing to do and frankly, more educated they can be certain, the bottle has to remove them. There should be immediate parliamentary reelection. We deworm the Congress.
parliamentary candidates should not be handpicked. Must be party members and go through elections. May include guests, but all this must have a filter. You can not get anybody else to occupy an important place. It is possible that people like "Pepe Vasquez", "Brad Pizza", Evelyn Ortiz, July Pinedo, etc. have the support of the masses to enter only facilitated their pockets.
The immunity it must exist, but not abuse it. Should be an obligation to use only against urgent issues that may threaten the good performance of a congressman. They can not hold it up to corrupt the incorruptible and did not pass anything through that shield. In
participant must be an honest person. You should not have complaints of any kind and, if the need should always be diligent to justice. Should not evade judgments invoke its immunity. If he is guilty of something, not worthy of the parliament.
salaries are excessive. The salary for a congressman should not be greater than 2 in 1500 nuevos soles more benefits. It is unacceptable for a person earns more than 14 billion suns just warm the seat and steal at will. It is outrageous that there are many high level professionals who are underemployed.
If ever I become a congressman, would donate all my salary to shelters in need and I only stay with those 2 in 1500 soles, no more. It would not be part of that strip of Drones that are not worth much and apart from winning sueldote want more and more. I want to be a congressman for that and more reasons. Do not take any more so sirvergüenzura.
I talk more, such as the preparation that must have our founding fathers, but I'll leave for another post, because this issue is endless. I just hope that when we go to vote we elect someone who at least believe he loves his country or do like me, vitiate his vote.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Phildar Disney Knitting

Wherein lies the greatness of our civilization?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Converting Out Of State License To Florida


Cuasmal, archeology of a musical work

Fidel Pablo Guerrero

When the nineteenth century was nearing its end in 1891, was born in the small town of Uyumbicho, in the province of Pichincha, who became a distinguished musician: Carlos Enrique Brito Benavides. His life was dedicated to the musical activity, served as creator, arranger and bandleader (and military assimilated). Among his best known works is the hall Shadows, with text by Mexican poet Rosario Sansores, who have played music from around the world, is one whose first verses When you say you have been / shadows wrap me ..., and also his eyes tempting aisles, Rosas and Your dark circles.

Carlos Brito Benavides and Shadows corridor. Photo Archive Sound of Music Ecuatoriana.

In 1995, when we put forth our little Dictionary of Musicians from Ecuador Mr. José Benavides Solis very fond of music (and who incidentally is not related to musician Carlos Brito Benavides) - called attention to the biography consisted of a piece the composer called Cuasmal . I requested additional information on the piece, but I had no more information than the title of the work, so we recommended him as the encontrásemos news. Fifteen years later, at the end of last year (2010) we could obtain a copy of this piece and we were finally able to communicate the findings.

or globular flutes Phase Cuasmal ocarinas. ECB.

As we reported what Mr. Benavides, Cuasmal is the name of a river and a county site Montúfar, near San Gabriel (Labour Procerato and National Cultural Heritage by UNESCO) formed by extensions of arable land, where people are engaged in agriculture and where they planted and harvested the potato tuber mainly, to reach Cuasmal it done through a small town called El Manzano. Also, Cuasmal is the place where it has rescued a lot of beautiful vases and, in what concerns our field-a globular flute or ocarina incredible, for all that its name has served as an extension to nominate the archaeological culture known as Gopher or Cuasmal phase, which archaeologists are between the years 1250 - 1532 AD Remains found refer to the distribution of this culture was between Pasto and Carchi.

occurs to us that perhaps the musician Carlos Brito went through that town in its bustle, as a bandleader, and for some reason he dedicated his fox Inca, taking into account the death of musician who came in 1943, guess that should be made to the years 20's-30's. We recorded this piece of music found in old records, so perhaps now is the time of registration. We have received a copy of the score raised to Central Bank officials from Ecuador, who offered to record with the participation of a good pianist, so we can send its source so that people can know this work, which he thinks Mr. Benavides should be considered a documentary heritage of music for that location.

Finally we say it is very pleased to contribute to this minimum contribution, complementing segments of the historical puzzle, even if, as in the investigation, after so much time.

Cuasmal manuscript of the work of Carlos Brito.

CUASMAL AUDIO: (To hear the audio of this work to click on play and turn up the volume)

Transcript of the score:
(Dar click on the graphic to view and print large)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Half Brazilian Half Filipino


Article published by Miguel Angel Alario by the chemical Mexico Prize for Science and Technology 2009 "Knowledge and research provide a self-sufficient nations to add value in different areas which contribute to their social, cultural and economic." in the La Jornada, January 24, 2011.

    • "It's amazing that Mexico export oil and import gasoline when it should be exporting it, "said the president of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain.

C ity of Mexico. A country supporting science is able to obtain economic gains of up to a kilo of sand. The development of knowledge and research to provide self-sufficient nations to add value in different areas which contribute to their social, cultural and economic.

So says

English scientist and Miguel Angel Alario Franco, professor Faculty of Chemistry, University Complutense of Madrid, for whom education and science must be a State policy irrespective of parties, personalities and ideologies that rule. A country without science is a country without influence, synthesizes.

On 14 January, Franco Alario and Mexico was awarded the Science and Technology 2009, that gave the Mexican government for his contributions in the chemistry world.

Based on an example relating to discipline, argues that its premise: "All nations of the world are rich in silicon, there is one that does not have because this element is in the earth beneath our feet. If you go to camp and get a kilo of sand, it does not cost anything. However, if the process to obtain pure, crystalline silicon, necessary for the operation of transistors and circuits, a kilo of this material can cost up to $ 50 000. That's added value. "

In an interview with La Jornada says that it is incredible that Mexico exports oil and import gasoline: Your country should be exporting the fuel, he said. Counterpart located in Brazil as an example to follow in Latin America in promoting scientific and technological research.

Current president of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain, and Franco Alario is a global pioneer in the study of solid state chemistry and development of new superconducting materials synthesized under high temperatures and pressures.

His work has been widely recognized, among others received the 1984 Prize of the Royal Academy of Sciences of his native country and in 1996 the Medal of Honor of the English Royal Society of Chemistry.

The researcher believes that a scientific societies should also be recognized a pop singer or a football player. And even goes further by asserting that social scientists should know that Antoine Lavoisier is the father of modern chemistry and the hard scientists know that Miguel de Cervantes is the author of Don Quixote.

- Why do scientists insist so much on economic investment in science?

-is essential. Must be a State policy. This is not a project of a political party, left or right. When a ruler the drives, and then ends his term, he relieve him to continue treatment because there is no development without science.

advanced countries, which form the first dozen, have enormous scientific development that then used. Some believe that there are two types of science: pure and applied. I would not define it as applied science and have not applied because they end up applying. Any scientific discovery eventually used, although we now realize. The development of a country is measured by the value added generated from knowledge.

- Do you see interest among governments to support these items?

-Japan, U.S., Germany, South Korea, Singapore, Finland, do research, apply and gain added value. Their policy is fully supported.

"But when I speak of a state strategy I refer to two sectors: the public and business. The first consists of universities and research centers and the support they should receive from the government. Although it can not cover everything, is also investing in roads and social programs.

So you have to specify in the private sector because science companies benefit. A crucial step for a country to be advanced is that entrepreneurs make real investments in this area and these are not a disguise to evade taxes.

- What work has to play the State to encourage entrepreneurs to invest in science?

"In principle taught in basic education. From an early age that has clear relevance to the development of the nation.

must also have a major public research system and favor companies that produce knowledge and hire scientists. But it takes seriously: if a company that manufactures screws, his research should be directed to solving problems related to this product is not put scientists to do math.

Latin America should follow in the footsteps of Brazil

Franco Alario and states that it is difficult for small and medium enterprises have to install credit research. It therefore proposes that a number of working collaboratively to achieve funding scientific research to help them resolve problems connected with their production.

- What are the emerging nations that stand out internationally in scientific development?

-India is impressive and, of course, China. In 10 years we will go to the street and almost all development and technology will be Chinese. In Latin America, Brazil is the head, rapid development has been enormous, is betting on research and has a long way to go. That is the way forward in the region.

- What is the difference between Brazil and the rest of the region?

-Its rulers. The two former presidents, Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, believed and invested in science, development and distribution of wealth. The latter can not be solely in the hands of four, although there are four rich people can not have both and the rest of the population has nothing. This distribution is important social and economic development of nations.

- How should a country spend on science and technology?

"The figure varies from nation to nation. But at least 2 percent of GDP, divided equally between government and business. In Mexico is much lower, barely 0.5 percent of this indicator, in Spain are at 1.2 and complain, Japan reaches 3 percent.

- What is the perception from Europe Mexican science?

"That is very good research groups, but insufficient. Some even at levels similar to European and U.S. scientists.

-In 2011 marks the International Year of Chemistry. What relevance does this have for the advancement of the discipline so often stigmatized?

-The relevance of see the end of the year. It is important to the idea of \u200b\u200bUNESCO. There has been international years of physics, mathematics or astronomy. It is good that the company sees that a year is devoted to discipline, but from my perspective I think it would be better than all the years devoted to each subject a little.